digi.xbee.firmware module

digi.xbee.firmware.update_local_firmware(target, xml_firmware_file, xbee_firmware_file=None, bootloader_firmware_file=None, timeout=None, progress_callback=None)[source]

Performs a local firmware update operation in the given target.

  • target (String or XBeeDevice) – target of the firmware upload operation. String: serial port identifier. AbstractXBeeDevice: the XBee device to upload its firmware.
  • xml_firmware_file (String) – path of the XML file that describes the firmware to upload.
  • xbee_firmware_file (String, optional) – location of the XBee binary firmware file.
  • bootloader_firmware_file (String, optional) – location of the bootloader binary firmware file.
  • timeout (Integer, optional) – the serial port read data timeout.
  • progress_callback (Function, optional) –
    function to execute to receive progress information. Receives two
    • The current update task as a String
    • The current update task percentage as an Integer

FirmwareUpdateException – if there is any error performing the firmware update.

digi.xbee.firmware.update_remote_firmware(remote_device, xml_firmware_file, ota_firmware_file=None, otb_firmware_file=None, timeout=None, progress_callback=None)[source]

Performs a local firmware update operation in the given target.

  • remote_device (RemoteXBeeDevice) – remote XBee device to upload its firmware.
  • xml_firmware_file (String) – path of the XML file that describes the firmware to upload.
  • ota_firmware_file (String, optional) – path of the OTA firmware file to upload.
  • otb_firmware_file (String, optional) – path of the OTB firmware file to upload (bootloader bundle).
  • timeout (Integer, optional) – the timeout to wait for remote frame requests.
  • progress_callback (Function, optional) –
    function to execute to receive progress information. Receives two
    • The current update task as a String
    • The current update task percentage as an Integer

FirmwareUpdateException – if there is any error performing the remote firmware update.