Configure the XBee device

One of the main features of the XBee Python Library is the ability to configure the parameters of local and remote XBee devices and execute some actions or commands on them.

To apply a complete configuration profile see Apply an XBee profile.


The values set on the different parameters are not persistent through subsequent resets unless you store those changes in the device. For more information, see Write configuration changes.

Read and set common parameters

Local and remote XBee device objects provide a set of methods to get and set common parameters of the device. Some of these parameters are saved inside the XBee device object, and a cached value is returned when the parameter is requested. Other parameters are read directly from the physical XBee device when requested.

Cached parameters

Some parameters in an XBee device are used or requested frequently. To avoid the overhead of those parameters being read from the physical XBee device every time they are requested, they are saved inside the XBeeDevice object being returned when the getters are called.

The following table lists cached parameters and their corresponding getters:

Parameter Method
64-bit address get_64bit_addr()
16-bit address get_16bit_addr()
Node identifier get_node_id()
Firmware version get_firmware_version()
Hardware version get_hardware_version()
Role get_role()

Local XBee devices read and save previous parameters automatically when opening the connection of the device. In remote XBee devices, you must issue the read_device_info() method to initialize the parameters.

You can refresh the value of those parameters (that is, read their values and update them inside the XBee device object) at any time by calling the read_device_info() method.

Method Description
read_device_info(init=False) Updates cache parameters reading them from the XBee: If init is True it reads all values, else only those not initialized.

Refresh cached parameters


# Instantiate an XBee device object.
local_xbee = XBeeDevice("COM1", 9600)

# Refresh the cached values.


The read_device_info() method may fail for the following reasons:

  • There is a timeout getting any of the device parameters, throwing a TimeoutException.
  • The operating mode of the device is not API_MODE or ESCAPED_API_MODE, throwing an InvalidOperatingModeException.
  • The response of the command is not valid, throwing an ATCommandException.
  • There is an error writing to the XBee interface, or device is closed, throwing a generic XBeeException.

All the cached parameters but the Node Identifier do not change; therefore, they cannot be set. For the Node Identifier, there is a method within all the XBee device classes that allows you to change it:

Method Description
set_node_id(String) Specifies the new Node Identifier of the device. This method configures the physical XBee device with the provided Node Identifier and updates the cached value with the one provided.

Non-cached parameters

The following non-cached parameters have their own methods to be configured within the XBee device classes:

  • Destination Address: This setting specifies the default 64-bit destination address of a module that is used to report data generated by the XBee device (that is, IO sampling data). This setting can be read and set.

    Method Description
    get_dest_address() Returns the 64-bit address of the device that data will be reported to.
    set_dest_address(XBee64BitAddress) Specifies the 64-bit address of the device where the data will be reported.
  • PAN ID: This is the ID of the Personal Area Network the XBee device is operating in. This setting can be read and set.

    Method Description
    get_pan_id() Returns a byte array containing the ID of the Personal Area Network where the XBee device is operating.
    set_pan_id(Bytearray) Specifies the value in byte array format of the PAN ID where the XBee device should work.
  • Power level: This setting specifies the output power level of the XBee device. This setting can be read and set.

    Method Description
    get_power_level() Returns a PowerLevel enumeration entry indicating the power level of the XBee device.
    set_power_level(PowerLevel) Specifies a PowerLevel enumeration entry containing the desired output level of the XBee device.

Configure non-cached parameters


# Instantiate an XBee device object.
local_xbee = XBeeDevice("COM1", 9600)

# Set the destination address of the device.
dest_address = XBee64BitAddress.from_hex_string("0013A20040XXXXXX")

# Read the operating PAN ID of the device.
dest_addr = local_xbee.get_dst_address()

# Read the operating PAN ID of the device.
pan_id = local_xbee.get_pan_id()

# Read the output power level.
p_level = local_xbee.get_power_level()


All the previous getters and setters of the different options may fail for the following reasons:

  • ACK of the command sent is not received in the configured timeout, throwing a TimeoutException.

  • Other errors caught as XBeeException:

    • The operating mode of the device is not API_MODE or ESCAPED_API_MODE, throwing an InvalidOperatingModeException.
    • The response of the command is not valid, throwing an ATCommandException.
    • There is an error writing to the XBee interface, throwing a generic XBeeException.
Example: Common parameters

The XBee Python Library includes a sample application that displays how to get and set common parameters. It can be located in the following path:


Read, set and execute other parameters

If you want to read or set a parameter that does not have a custom getter or setter within the XBee device object, you can do so. All the XBee device classes (local or remote) include two methods to get and set any AT parameter, and a third one to run a command in the XBee device.

Get a parameter

You can read the value of any parameter of an XBee device using the get_parameter() method provided by all the XBee device classes. Use this method to get the value of a parameter that does not have its getter method within the XBee device object.

Method Description
get_parameter(String) Specifies the AT command (string format) to retrieve its value. The method returns the value of the parameter in a byte array.

Get a parameter from the XBee device


# Instantiate an XBee device object.
local_xbee = XBeeDevice("COM1", 9600)

# Get the value of the Sleep Time (SP) parameter.
sp = local_xbee.get_parameter("SP")


The get_parameter() method may fail for the following reasons:

  • ACK of the command sent is not received in the configured timeout, throwing a TimeoutException.

  • Other errors caught as XBeeException:

    • The operating mode of the device is not API_MODE or ESCAPED_API_MODE, throwing an InvalidOperatingModeException.
    • The response of the command is not valid, throwing an ATCommandException.
    • There is an error writing to the XBee interface, throwing a generic XBeeException.
Example: Set and get parameters

The XBee Python Library includes a sample application that displays how to get and set parameters using the methods explained previously. It can be located in the following path:


Set a parameter

To set a parameter that does not have its own setter method, you can use the set_parameter() method provided by all the XBee device classes.

Method Description
set_parameter(String, Bytearray) Specifies the AT command (String format) to be set in the device and a byte array containing the value of the parameter.

Set a parameter in the XBee device


# Instantiate an XBee device object.
local_xbee = XBeeDevice("COM1", 9600)

# Configure the Node ID using the set_parameter() method.
local_xbee.set_parameter("NI",  bytearray("Yoda", 'utf8'))


The set_parameter() method may fail for the following reasons:

  • ACK of the command sent is not received in the configured timeout, throwing a TimeoutException.

  • Other errors caught as XBeeException:

    • The operating mode of the device is not API_MODE or ESCAPED_API_MODE, throwing an InvalidOperatingModeException.
    • The response of the command is not valid, throwing an ATCommandException.
    • There is an error writing to the XBee interface, throwing a generic XBeeException.
Example: Set and get parameters

The XBee Python Library includes a sample application that displays how to get and set parameters using the methods explained previously. It can be located in the following path:


Execute a command

There are other AT parameters that cannot be read or written. They are actions that are executed by the XBee device. The XBee Python library has several commands that handle most common executable parameters, but to run a parameter that does not have a custom command, you can use the execute_command() method provided by all the XBee device classes.

Method Description
execute_command(String) Specifies the AT command (String format) to be run in the device.

Run a command in the XBee device


# Instantiate an XBee device object.
local_xbee = XBeeDevice("COM1", 9600)

# Run the apply changes command.


The execute_command() method may fail for the following reasons:

  • ACK of the command sent is not received in the configured timeout, throwing a TimeoutException.

  • Other errors caught as XBeeException:

    • The operating mode of the device is not API_MODE or ESCAPED_API_MODE, throwing an InvalidOperatingModeException.
    • The response of the command is not valid, throwing an ATCommandException.
    • There is an error writing to the XBee interface, throwing a generic XBeeException.

Apply configuration changes

By default, when you perform any configuration on a local or remote XBee device, the changes are automatically applied. However, there could be some scenarios when you want to configure different settings or parameters of a device and apply the changes at the end when everything is configured. For that purpose, the XBeeDevice and RemoteXBeeDevice objects provide some methods that allow you to manage when to apply configuration changes.

Method Description Notes
enable_apply_changes(Boolean) Specifies whether the changes on settings and parameters are applied when set. The apply configuration changes flag is enabled by default.
is_apply_changes_enabled() Returns whether the XBee device is configured to apply parameter changes when they are set.  
apply_changes() Applies the changes on parameters that were already set but are pending to be applied. This method is useful when the XBee device is configured to not apply changes when they are set.

Apply configuration changes


# Instantiate an XBee device object.
local_xbee = XBeeDevice("COM1", 9600)

# Check if device is configured to apply changes.
apply_changes_enabled = local_xbee.is_apply_changes_enabled()

# Configure the device not to apply parameter changes automatically.
if apply_changes_enabled:

# Set the PAN ID of the XBee device to BABE.

# Perform other configurations.

# Apply changes.


The apply_changes() method may fail for the following reasons:

  • ACK of the command sent is not received in the configured timeout, throwing a TimeoutException.

  • Other errors caught as XBeeException:

    • The operating mode of the device is not API_MODE or ESCAPED_API_MODE, throwing an InvalidOperatingModeException.
    • The response of the command is not valid, throwing an ATCommandException.
    • There is an error writing to the XBee interface, throwing a generic XBeeException.

Write configuration changes

If you want configuration changes performed in an XBee device to persist through subsequent resets, you need to write those changes in the device. Writing changes means that the parameter values configured in the device are written to the non-volatile memory of the XBee device. The module loads the parameter values from non-volatile memory every time it is started.

The XBee device classes (local and remote) provide a method to write (save) the parameter modifications in the XBee device memory so they persist through subsequent resets: write_changes().

Write configuration changes


# Instantiate an XBee device object.
local_xbee = XBeeDevice("COM1", 9600)

# Set the PAN ID of the XBee device to BABE.

# Perform other configurations.

# Apply changes.

# Write changes.


The write_changes() method may fail for the following reasons:

  • ACK of the command sent is not received in the configured timeout, throwing a TimeoutException.

  • Other errors caught as XBeeException:

    • The operating mode of the device is not API_MODE or ESCAPED_API_MODE, throwing an InvalidOperatingModeException.
    • The response of the command is not valid, throwing an ATCommandException.
    • There is an error writing to the XBee interface, throwing a generic XBeeException.

Reset the device

It may be necessary to reset the XBee device when the system is not operating properly or you are initializing the system. All the XBee device classes of the XBee API provide the reset() method to perform a software reset on the local or remote XBee module.

In local modules, the reset() method blocks until a confirmation from the module is received, which usually takes one or two seconds. Remote modules do not send any kind of confirmation, so the method does not block when resetting them.

Reset the module


# Instantiate an XBee device object.
local_xbee = XBeeDevice("COM1", 9600)

# Reset the module.


The reset() method may fail for the following reasons:

  • ACK of the command sent is not received in the configured timeout, throwing a TimeoutException.

  • Other errors caught as XBeeException:

    • The operating mode of the device is not API_MODE or ESCAPED_API_MODE, throwing an InvalidOperatingModeException.
    • The response of the command is not valid, throwing an ATCommandException.
    • There is an error writing to the XBee interface, throwing a generic XBeeException.
Example: Reset module

The XBee Python Library includes a sample application that shows you how to perform a reset on your XBee device. The example is located in the following path:


Configure Wi-Fi settings

Unlike other protocols such as ZigBee or DigiMesh where devices are connected to each other, the XBee Wi-Fi protocol requires that the module is connected to an access point in order to communicate with other TCP/IP devices.

This configuration and connection with access points can be done using applications such as XCTU; however, the XBee Python Library includes a set of methods to configure the network settings, scan access points, and connect to an access point.

Example: Configure Wi-Fi settings and connect to an access point

The XBee Python Library includes a sample application that demonstrates how to configure the network settings of a Wi-Fi device and connect to an access point. You can locate the example in the following path:


Configure IP addressing mode

Before connecting your Wi-Fi module to an access point, you must decide how to configure the network settings using the IP addressing mode option. The supported IP addressing modes are contained in an enumerator called IPAddressingMode. It allows you to choose between:

  • DHCP
Method Description

Sets the IP addressing mode of the Wi-Fi module. Depending on the provided mode, network settings are configured differently:

  • DHCP: Network settings are assigned by a server.
  • STATIC: Network settings must be provided manually one by one.

Configure IP addressing mode


# Instantiate an XBee device object.
local_xbee = WiFiDevice("COM1", 9600)

# Configure the IP addressing mode to DHCP.

# Save the IP addressing mode.


The set_ip_addressing_mode() method may fail for the following reasons:

  • There is a timeout setting the IP addressing parameter, throwing a TimeoutException.

  • Other errors caught as XBeeException:

    • The operating mode of the device is not API_MODE or ESCAPED_API_MODE, throwing an InvalidOperatingModeException.
    • The response of the command is not valid, throwing an ATCommandException.
    • There is an error writing to the XBee interface, throwing a generic XBeeException.

Configure IP network settings

Like any TCP/IP protocol device, the XBee Wi-Fi modules have the IP address, subnet mask, default gateway and DNS settings that you can get at any time using the XBee Python Library.

Unlike some general configuration settings, these parameters are not saved inside the WiFiDevice object. Every time you request the parameters, they are read directly from the Wi-Fi module connected to the computer. The following parameters are used in the configuration of the TCP/IP protocol:

Parameter Method
IP address get_ip_address()
Subnet mask get_mask_address()
Gateway IP get_gateway_address()
DNS address get_dns_address()

Read IP network settings


# Instantiate an XBee device object.
local_xbee = WiFiDevice("COM1", 9600)

# Configure the IP addressing mode to DHCP.

# Connect to access point with SSID 'My SSID' and password 'myPassword'
local_xbee.connect_by_ssid("My SSID", "myPassword")

# Display the IP network settings that were assigned by the DHCP server.
print("- IP address: %s" % local_xbee.get_ip_address())
print("- Subnet mask: %s" % local_xbee.get_mask_address())
print("- Gateway IP address: %s" % local_xbee.get_gateway_address())
print("- DNS IP address: %s" % local_xbee.get_dns_address())


You can also change those settings when the module has static IP configuration with the following methods:

Parameter Method
IP address set_ip_addr()
Subnet mask set_mask_address()
Gateway IP set_gateway_address()
DNS address set_dns_address()

Configure Bluetooth settings

Newer XBee3 devices have a Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) interface that enables you to connect your XBee device to another device such as a cellphone. The XBee device classes (local and remote) offer some methods that allow you to:

Enable and disable Bluetooth

Before connecting to your XBee device over Bluetooth Low Energy, you first have to enable this interface. The XBee Python Library provides a couple of methods to enable or disable this interface:

Method Description
enable_bluetooth() Enables the Bluetooth Low Energy interface of your XBee device.
disable_bluetooth() Disables the Bluetooth Low Energy interface of your XBee device.

Enabling and disabling the Bluetooth interface


# Instantiate an XBee device object.
local_xbee = XBeeDevice("COM1", 9600)

# Enable the Bluetooth interface.


# Disable the Bluetooth interface.


These methods may fail for the following reasons:

  • ACK of the command sent is not received in the configured timeout, throwing a TimeoutException.

  • Other errors caught as XBeeException:

    • The operating mode of the device is not API_MODE or ESCAPED_API_MODE, throwing an InvalidOperatingModeException.
    • The response of the command is not valid, throwing an ATCommandException.
    • There is an error writing to the XBee interface, throwing a generic XBeeException.

Configure the Bluetooth password

Once you have enabled the Bluetooth Low Energy, you must configure the password you will use to connect to the device over that interface (if not previously done). For this purpose, the API offers the following method:

Method Description
update_bluetooth_password(String) Specifies the new Bluetooth password of the XBee device.

Configuring or changing the Bluetooth password


# Instantiate an XBee device object.
local_xbee = XBeeDevice("COM1", 9600)

new_password = "myBluetoothPassword" # Do not hard-code it in the app!

# Configure the Bluetooth password.


The update_bluetooth_password method may fail for the following reasons:

  • ACK of the command sent is not received in the configured timeout, throwing a TimeoutException.

  • Other errors caught as XBeeException:

    • The operating mode of the device is not API_MODE or ESCAPED_API_MODE, throwing an InvalidOperatingModeException.
    • The response of the command is not valid, throwing an ATCommandException.
    • There is an error writing to the XBee interface, throwing a generic XBeeException.


Never hard-code the Bluetooth password in the code, a malicious person could decompile the application and find it out.

Read the Bluetooth MAC address

Another method that the XBee Java Library provides is get_bluetooth_mac_addr(), which returns the EUI-48 Bluetooth MAC address of your XBee device in a format such as “00112233AABB”.

Reading the Bluetooth MAC address


# Instantiate an XBee device object.
local_xbee = XBeeDevice("COM1", 9600)

print("The Bluetooth MAC address is: %s" % local_xbee.get_bluetooth_mac_addr())


The get_bluetooth_mac_addr method may fail for the following reasons:

  • ACK of the command sent is not received in the configured timeout, throwing a TimeoutException.

  • Other errors caught as XBeeException:

    • The operating mode of the device is not API_MODE or ESCAPED_API_MODE, throwing an InvalidOperatingModeException.
    • The response of the command is not valid, throwing an ATCommandException.
    • There is an error writing to the XBee interface, throwing a generic XBeeException.