Update the XBee

To keep your XBee devices up to date, the XBee Python Library provides several methods to update the device software including firmware, file system and XBee profiles:


At the moment, firmware, file system, and profile updates are only supported in XBee 3 devices.

Update the XBee firmware

You may need to update the running firmware of your XBee devices to, for example, change their XBee protocol, fix issues and security risks, or access to new features and functionality.

The XBee Python Library provides methods to perform firmware updates in local and remote devices:


At the moment, firmware update is only supported in XBee 3 devices.

Update the firmware of a local XBee

The firmware update process of a local XBee device is performed over the serial connection. For this operation, you need the following components:

  • The XBee device object instance or the serial port name where the device is attached to.
  • The new firmware XML descriptor file.
  • The new firmware binary file (*.gbl)
  • Optionally, the new bootloader binary file (*.gbl) required by the new firmware.


Firmware update will fail if the firmware requires a new bootloader and it is not provided.

Example: Local Firmware Update

The XBee Python Library includes a sample application that displays how to perform a local firmware update. It can be located in the following path:


Update the local firmware using an XBee device object

If you have an object instance of your local XBee device, you have to call the update_firmware method of the XBeeDevice class providing the required parameters:

Method Description
update_firmware(String, String, String, Integer, Function)

Performs a firmware update operation of the device.

  • xml_firmware_file (String): path of the XML file that describes the firmware to upload.
  • xbee_firmware_file (String, optional): location of the XBee binary firmware file (*.gbl).
  • bootloader_firmware_file (String, optional): location of the bootloader binary firmware file (*.gbl).
  • timeout (Integer, optional): the maximum amount of seconds to wait for target read operations during the update process.
  • progress_callback (Function, optional): function to execute to receive progress information. Receives two arguments:
    • The current update task as a String
    • The current update task percentage as an Integer

The update_firmware method may fail for the following reasons:

  • The device does not support the firmware update operation, throwing a OperationNotSupportedException.

  • There is an error during the firmware update operation, throwing a FirmwareUpdateException.

  • Other errors caught as XBeeException:

    • The device is not open, throwing a generic XBeeException.
    • The operating mode of the local XBee device is not API_MODE or ESCAPED_API_MODE, throwing an InvalidOperatingModeException.

Update local XBee device firmware using an XBee device object


XML_FIRMWARE_FILE = "my_path/my_firmware.xml"
XBEE_FIRMWARE_FILE = "my_path/my_firmware.gbl"
BOOTLOADER_FIRMWARE_FILE = "my_path/my_bootloader.gbl"


# Instantiate an XBee device object.
xbee = XBeeDevice(...)


# Update the XBee device firmware.


Update the local firmware using a serial port

If you do not know the XBee serial communication parameters or you cannot instantiate the XBee device object (for example if the device must be recovered), you can perform the firmware update process by providing the serial port identifier where the XBee is attached to.

In this scenario, use the update_local_firmware method of the XBee firmware module providing the required parameters. The library forces the XBee to reboot into bootloader mode, using the recovery mechanism, and performs the firmware update from that point.

Method Description
update_local_firmware(String or XBeeDevice, String, String, String, Integer, Function)

Performs a local firmware update operation in the given target.

  • target (String or :class:`.XBeeDevice`): target of the firmware upload operation. * String: serial port identifier. * :class:`.AbstractXBeeDevice`: the XBee device to upload its firmware.
  • xml_firmware_file (String): path of the XML file that describes the firmware to upload.
  • xbee_firmware_file (String, optional): location of the XBee binary firmware file (*.gbl).
  • bootloader_firmware_file (String, optional): location of the bootloader binary firmware file.
  • timeout (Integer, optional): the maximum amount of seconds to wait for target read operations during the update process.
  • progress_callback (Function, optional): function to execute to receive progress information. Receives two arguments:
    • The current update task as a String
    • The current update task percentage as an Integer

The update_local_firmware method may fail for the following reasons:

  • There is an error during the firmware update operation, throwing a FirmwareUpdateException.

Update local XBee device firmware using the serial port name

import digi.xbee.firmware



XML_FIRMWARE_FILE = "my_path/my_firmware.xml"
XBEE_FIRMWARE_FILE = "my_path/my_firmware.gbl"
BOOTLOADER_FIRMWARE_FILE = "my_path/my_bootloader.gbl"


# Update the XBee device firmware using the serial port name.


Update the firmware of a remote XBee

The firmware update process for remote XBee devices is performed over the air using special XBee frames. For this operation, you need the following components:

  • The remote XBee device object instance.
  • The new firmware XML descriptor file.
  • The new firmware binary file (*.ota)
  • Optionally, the new firmware binary file with the bootloader embedded (*.otb)


Firmware update fails if the firmware requires a new bootloader and the *.otb file is not provided.

To perform the remote firmware update, call the update_firmware method of the RemoteXBeeDevice class providing the required parameters:

Method Description
update_firmware(String, String, String, Integer, Function)

Performs a remote firmware update operation of the device.

  • xml_firmware_file (String): path of the XML file that describes the firmware to upload.
  • xbee_firmware_file (String, optional): location of the XBee binary firmware file (*.ota).
  • bootloader_firmware_file (String, optional): location of the XBee binary firmware file with bootloader embedded (*.otb).
  • timeout (Integer, optional): the maximum amount of seconds to wait for target read operations during the update process.
  • progress_callback (Function, optional): function to execute to receive progress information. Receives two arguments:
    • The current update task as a String
    • The current update task percentage as an Integer

The update_firmware method may fail for the following reasons:

  • The remote device does not support the firmware update operation, throwing a OperationNotSupportedException.

  • There is an error during the firmware update operation, throwing a FirmwareUpdateException.

  • Other errors caught as XBeeException:

    • The local device is not open, throwing a generic XBeeException.
    • The operating mode of the local device is not API_MODE or ESCAPED_API_MODE, throwing an InvalidOperatingModeException.

Update remote XBee device firmware


XML_FIRMWARE_FILE = "my_path/my_firmware.xml"
OTA_FIRMWARE_FILE = "my_path/my_firmware.ota"
OTB_FIRMWARE_FILE = "my_path/my_firmware.otb"



# Instantiate an XBee device object.
xbee = XBeeDevice(...)

# Get the network.
xnet = xbee.get_network()

# Get the remote device.
remote = xnet.discover_device(REMOTE_DEVICE_NAME)

# Update the remote XBee device firmware.

Example: Remote Firmware Update

The XBee Python Library includes a sample application that displays how to perform a remote firmware update. It can be located in the following path:


Update the XBee file system

XBee 3 devices feature file system capabilities, meaning that they are able to persistently store files and folders in flash. The XBee Python Library provides classes and methods to manage these files.


At the moment file system capabilities are only supported in local XBee 3 devices.

Create file system manager

A LocalXBeeFileSystemManager object is required to work with local devices file system. You can instantiate this class by providing the local XBee device object. Once you have the object instance, you must call the connect method to open the file system connection and leave it ready to work.


File system operations take ownership of the serial port, meaning that you will stop receiving messages from the device until file system connection is closed. For this reason it is highly recommended to call the disconnect method of the file system manager as soon as you finish working with it.

Method Description
connect() Connects the file system manager.
disconnect() Disconnects the file system manager and restores the device connection.

The connect method may fail for the following reasons:

  • The device does not support the file system capabilities, throwing a FileSystemNotSupportedException.
  • There is an error during the connect operation, throwing a FileSystemException.

Create a local file system manager

from digi.xbee.filesystem import LocalXBeeFileSystemManager


# Instantiate an XBee device object.
xbee = XBeeDevice(...)


# Create the file system manager and connect it.
filesystem_manager = LocalXBeeFileSystemManager(device)




File system operations

The file system manager provides several methods to navigate through the device file system and operate with the different files and folders:

Method Description
get_current_directory() Returns the current device directory.

Changes the current device working directory to the given one.

  • directory (String): the new directory to change to.

Creates the provided directory.

  • directory (String): the new directory to create.

Lists the contents of the given directory.

  • directory (String, optional): the directory to list its contents. Optional. If not provided, the current directory contents are listed.

Removes the given file system element path.

  • element_path (String): path of the file system element to remove.
move_element(String, String)

Moves the given source element to the given destination path.

  • source_path (String): source path of the element to move.
  • dest_path (String): destination path of the element to move.
put_file(String, String, Boolean, Function)

Transfers the given file in the specified destination path of the XBee device.

  • source_path (String): the path of the file to transfer.
  • dest_path (String): the destination path to put the file in.
  • secure (Boolean, optional): True if the file should be stored securely, False otherwise. Defaults to False.
  • progress_callback (Function, optional): function to execute to receive progress information. Takes the following arguments:
    • The progress percentage as integer.
put_dir(String, String, Function)

Uploads the given source directory contents into the given destination directory in the device.

  • source_dir (String): the local directory to upload its contents.
  • dest_dir (String, optional): the remote directory to upload the contents to. Defaults to current directory.
  • progress_callback (Function, optional): function to execute to receive progress information. Takes the following arguments:
    • The file being uploaded as string.
    • The progress percentage as integer.
get_file(String, String, Function)

Downloads the given XBee device file in the specified destination path.

  • source_path (String): the path of the XBee device file to download.
  • dest_path (String): the destination path to store the file in.
  • progress_callback (Function, optional): function to execute to receive progress information. Takes the following arguments:
    • The progress percentage as integer.
format_filesystem() Formats the device file system.
get_usage_information() Returns the file system usage information.

Returns the SHA256 hash of the given file path.

  • file_path (String): path of the file to get its hash.

The methods above may fail for the following reasons:

  • There is an error executing the requested operation, throwing a FileSystemException.
Example: Format file system

The XBee Python Library includes a sample application that displays how to format the device file system. It can be located in the following path:


Example: List directory

The XBee Python Library includes a sample application that displays how to list the contents of a device directory. It can be located in the following path:


Example: Upload/download file

The XBee Python Library includes a sample application that displays how to upload/download a file from the device. It can be located in the following path:


Apply an XBee profile

An XBee profile is a snapshot of a specific XBee configuration, including firmware, settings, and file system contents. The XBee Python API includes a set of classes and methods to work with XBee profiles and apply them to local and remote devices.

To configure individual settings see Configure the XBee device.


Use XCTU to create configuration profiles.


At the moment applying profiles is only supported in XBee 3 devices.

Read an XBee profile

The library provides a class called XBeeProfile that is used to read and extract information of an existing XBee profile file.

To create an XBeeProfile object, provide the location of the profile file in the class constructor.

Instantiate an XBee profile

from digi.xbee.profile import XBeeProfile


PROFILE_PATH = "/home/user/my_profile.xpro"


# Create the XBee profile object.
xbee_profile = XBeeProfile(PROFILE_PATH)


The creation of the XBee profile object may fail for the following reasons:

  • The provided profile file is not valid, throwing a ValueError.
  • There is any error reading the profile file, throwing a ProfileReadException.

Once the XBee profile object is created, you can extract all the profile information by accessing each of the exposed properties:

Property Description
profile_file Returns the profile file.
version Returns the profile version.
flash_firmware_option Returns the profile flash firmware option.
description Returns the profile description.
reset_settings Returns whether the settings of the XBee device are reset before applying the profile ones or not.
has_filesystem Returns whether the profile has filesystem information or not.
profile_settings Returns all the firmware settings that the profile configures.
firmware_version Returns the compatible firmware version of the profile.
hardware_version Returns the compatible hardware version of the profile.
firmware_description_file Returns the path of the profile firmware description file.
file_system_path Returns the profile file system path.

Read an XBee profile

from digi.xbee.profile import XBeeProfile


PROFILE_PATH = "/home/user/my_profile.xpro"


# Create the XBee profile object.
xbee_profile = XBeeProfile(PROFILE_PATH)

# Print profile compatible hardware and software versions
print("  - Firmware version: %s" % xbee_profile.firmware_version)
print("  - Hardware version: %s" % xbee_profile.hardware_version)

Example: Read an XBee profile

The XBee Python Library includes a sample application that displays how to read an XBee profile. It can be located in the following path:


Apply an XBee profile to a local device

Applying a profile to a local XBee device requires the following components:

  • The local XBee device object instance.
  • The profile file to apply (*.xpro).


Use XCTU to create configuration profiles.

To apply the XBee profile to a local XBee, you have to call the apply_profile method of the XBeeDevice class providing the required parameters:

Method Description
apply_profile(String, Function)

Applies the given XBee profile to the XBee device.

  • profile_path (String): path of the XBee profile file to apply.
  • progress_callback (Function, optional): function to execute to receive progress information. Receives two arguments:
    • The current apply profile task as a String
    • The current apply profile task percentage as an Integer

The apply_profile method may fail for the following reasons:

  • The local device does not support the apply profile operation, throwing a OperationNotSupportedException.

  • There is an error while applying the XBee profile, throwing a UpdateProfileException.

  • Other errors caught as XBeeException:

    • The local device is not open, throwing a generic XBeeException.
    • The operating mode of the local device is not API_MODE or ESCAPED_API_MODE, throwing an InvalidOperatingModeException.

Apply an XBee profile to a local device


PROFILE_PATH = "/home/user/my_profile.xpro"


# Instantiate an XBee device object.
xbee = XBeeDevice(...)


# Apply the XBee device profile.
device.apply_profile(PROFILE_PATH, progress_callback=progress_callback)

Example: Apply local XBee profile

The XBee Python Library includes a sample application that displays how to apply an XBee profile to a local device. It can be located in the following path:


Apply an XBee profile to a remote device

Applying a profile to a remote XBee requires the following components:

  • The remote XBee device object instance.
  • The profile file to apply (*.xpro).


Use XCTU to create configuration profiles.

To apply the XBee profile to a remote XBee device, you have to call the apply_profile method of the RemoteXBeeDevice class providing the required parameters:

Method Description
apply_profile(String, Function)

Applies the given XBee profile to the remote XBee device.

  • profile_path (String): path of the XBee profile file to apply.
  • progress_callback (Function, optional): function to execute to receive progress information. Receives two arguments:
    • The current apply profile task as a String
    • The current apply profile task percentage as an Integer

The apply_profile method may fail for the following reasons:

  • The remote device does not support the apply profile operation, throwing a OperationNotSupportedException.

  • There is an error while applying the XBee profile, throwing a UpdateProfileException.

  • Other errors caught as XBeeException:

    • The local device is not open, throwing a generic XBeeException.
    • The operating mode of the local device is not API_MODE or ESCAPED_API_MODE, throwing an InvalidOperatingModeException.

Apply an XBee profile to a remote device


PROFILE_PATH = "/home/user/my_profile.xpro"


# Instantiate an XBee device object.
xbee = XBeeDevice(...)

# Get the network.
xnet = xbee.get_network()

# Get the remote device.
remote = xnet.discover_device(REMOTE_DEVICE_NAME)


# Apply the XBee device profile.
remote.apply_profile(PROFILE_PATH, progress_callback=progress_callback)

Example: Apply remote XBee profile

The XBee Python Library includes a sample application that displays how to apply an XBee profile to a remote device. It can be located in the following path:
