Source code for digi.xbee.sender

# Copyright 2020, 2021, Digi International Inc.
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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import logging
import threading

from ipaddress import IPv4Address

from digi.xbee.exception import TimeoutException
from digi.xbee.models.address import XBee64BitAddress, XBee16BitAddress
from digi.xbee.models.atcomm import ATStringCommand
from digi.xbee.models.mode import OperatingMode
from digi.xbee.models.options import RemoteATCmdOptions
from digi.xbee.models.protocol import XBeeProtocol
from digi.xbee.models.status import ATCommandStatus
from digi.xbee.packets.aft import ApiFrameType
from digi.xbee.packets.base import XBeeAPIPacket
from digi.xbee.util import utils

[docs]class PacketSender: """ Class to send XBee packets. """ _LOG_PATTERN = "{comm_iface:s} - {event:s} - {opmode:s}: {content:s}" """ Pattern used to log packet events. """ _log = logging.getLogger(__name__) """ Logger. """ def __init__(self, xbee): """ Class constructor. Instantiates a new :class:`.PacketSender` object with the provided parameters. Args: xbee (:class:`.XBeeDevice`): The XBee. """ self.__xbee = xbee self._at_cmds_sent = {} self._future_apply = {}
[docs] def send_packet(self, packet): """ Sends a packet to the XBee. The packet to send is escaped depending on the current operating mode. Args: packet (:class:`.XBeePacket`): The packet to send. Raises: InvalidOperatingModeException: If the XBee device's operating mode is not API or ESCAPED API. This method only checks the cached value of the operating mode. XBeeException: if the XBee device's communication interface is closed. .. seealso:: | :class:`.XBeePacket` """ f_type = packet.get_frame_type() # Do not allow to set a non API operating mode in the local XBee if (f_type in (ApiFrameType.AT_COMMAND, ApiFrameType.AT_COMMAND_QUEUE) and packet.parameter and packet.command.upper() == ATStringCommand.AP.command and not self.is_op_mode_valid(packet.parameter)): return comm_iface = self.__xbee.comm_iface op_mode = self.__xbee.operating_mode out = packet.output(escaped=op_mode == OperatingMode.ESCAPED_API_MODE) comm_iface.write_frame(out) self._log.debug(self._LOG_PATTERN.format(comm_iface=str(comm_iface), event="SENT", opmode=op_mode, content=utils.hex_to_string(out))) # Refresh cached parameters if this method modifies some of them. if self.__xbee.serial_port and f_type in (ApiFrameType.AT_COMMAND, ApiFrameType.AT_COMMAND_QUEUE, ApiFrameType.REMOTE_AT_COMMAND_REQUEST): node = self.__xbee # Get remote node in case of a remote at command if (f_type == ApiFrameType.REMOTE_AT_COMMAND_REQUEST and XBee64BitAddress.is_known_node_addr(packet.x64bit_dest_addr)): node = self.__xbee.get_network().get_device_by_64(packet.x64bit_dest_addr) # Store the sent AT command packet if node: if not node.get_64bit_addr(): return key = str(node.get_64bit_addr()) if key not in self._at_cmds_sent: self._at_cmds_sent[key] = {} self._at_cmds_sent[key].update({packet.frame_id: packet})
[docs] def is_op_mode_valid(self, value): """ Returns `True` if the provided value is a valid operating mode for the library. Args: value (Bytearray): The value to check. Returns: Boolean: `True` for a valid value, `False` otherwise. """ op_mode_value = utils.bytes_to_int(value) op_mode = OperatingMode.get(op_mode_value) if op_mode not in (OperatingMode.API_MODE, OperatingMode.ESCAPED_API_MODE): self._log.error( "Operating mode '%d' (%s) not set not to loose XBee connection", op_mode_value, op_mode.description if op_mode else "Unknown") return False return True
[docs] def at_response_received_cb(self, response): """ Callback to deal with AT command responses and update the corresponding node. Only for internal use. Args: response (:class: `.XBeeAPIPacket`): The received API packet. """ f_type = response.get_frame_type() if f_type not in (ApiFrameType.AT_COMMAND_RESPONSE, ApiFrameType.REMOTE_AT_COMMAND_RESPONSE): return node = self.__xbee # Get remote node in case of a remote at command if (f_type == ApiFrameType.REMOTE_AT_COMMAND_RESPONSE and XBee64BitAddress.is_known_node_addr(response.x64bit_source_addr)): node = self.__xbee.get_network().get_device_by_64(response.x64bit_source_addr) if not node: return key = str(node.get_64bit_addr()) requests = self._at_cmds_sent.get(key, {}) req = requests.pop(response.frame_id, None) if not req or response.status != ATCommandStatus.OK: return def is_req_apply(at_req): fr_type = at_req.get_frame_type() return (at_req.command.upper() == ATStringCommand.AC.command or fr_type == ApiFrameType.AT_COMMAND or (fr_type == ApiFrameType.REMOTE_AT_COMMAND_REQUEST and at_req.transmit_options & RemoteATCmdOptions.APPLY_CHANGES.value)) def is_node_info_param(at_pkt): at_cmd = at_pkt.command.upper() return at_cmd in (ATStringCommand.NI.command, ATStringCommand.MY.command) def is_port_param(at_pkt): at_cmd = at_pkt.command.upper() return at_cmd in (ATStringCommand.AP.command, ATStringCommand.BD.command, ATStringCommand.NB.command, ATStringCommand.SB.command) apply = is_req_apply(req) if apply: if key not in self._future_apply: self._future_apply[key] = {} node_fut_apply = self._future_apply.get(key, {}) node_fut_apply.pop(req.command.upper(), None) for key, value in list(node_fut_apply.items()): self._refresh_if_cached(node, key, value, apply=True) if req.parameter and (is_port_param(req) or is_node_info_param(req)): self._refresh_if_cached(node, req.command.upper(), req.parameter, apply=apply)
def _refresh_if_cached(self, node, parameter, value, apply=True): """ Refreshes the proper cached parameter depending on `parameter` value. If `parameter` is not a cached parameter, this method does nothing. Args: node (:class:`.AbstractXBeeDevice`): The XBee to refresh. parameter (String): the parameter to refresh its value. value (Bytearray): the new value of the parameter. apply (Boolean, optional, default=`True`): `True` to apply immediately, `False` otherwise. """ updated = False param = parameter.upper() key = str(node.get_64bit_addr()) if key not in self._future_apply: self._future_apply[key] = {} node_fut_apply = self._future_apply.get(key, {}) # Node identifier if param == ATStringCommand.NI.command: node_id = str(value, encoding='utf8', errors='ignore') changed = node.get_node_id() != node_id updated = changed and apply if updated: node._node_id = node_id node_fut_apply.pop(param, None) elif changed: node_fut_apply.update({param: value}) # 16-bit address / IP address elif param == ATStringCommand.MY.command: if XBeeProtocol.is_ip_protocol(node.get_protocol()): ip_addr = IPv4Address(utils.bytes_to_int(value)) changed = node.get_ip_addr() != ip_addr updated = changed and apply if updated: node._ip_addr = ip_addr node_fut_apply.pop(param, None) elif changed: node_fut_apply.update({param: value}) elif XBee16BitAddress.is_valid(value): x16bit_addr = XBee16BitAddress(value) changed = node.get_16bit_addr() != x16bit_addr updated = changed and apply if updated: node._16bit_addr = x16bit_addr node_fut_apply.pop(param, None) elif changed: node_fut_apply.update({param: value}) elif not node.is_remote(): updated = self._refresh_serial_params(node, param, value, apply=apply) if updated: network = node.get_local_xbee_device().get_network() if node.is_remote() \ else node.get_network() if (network and (not node.is_remote() or network.get_device_by_64(node.get_64bit_addr()) or network.get_device_by_16(node.get_16bit_addr()))): from digi.xbee.devices import NetworkEventType, NetworkEventReason network._network_modified( NetworkEventType.UPDATE, NetworkEventReason.READ_INFO, node=node) def _refresh_serial_params(self, node, parameter, value, apply=True): """ Refreshes the proper cached parameter depending on `parameter` value. If `parameter` is not a cached parameter, this method does nothing. Args: node (:class:`.AbstractXBeeDevice`): The XBee to refresh. parameter (String): the parameter to refresh its value. value (Bytearray): the new value of the parameter. apply (Boolean, optional, default=`True`): `True` to apply immediately, `False` otherwise. Returns: Boolean: `True` if a network event must be sent, `False` otherwise. """ node_fut_apply = self._future_apply.get(str(node.get_64bit_addr()), {}) if parameter == ATStringCommand.AP.command: new_op_mode = OperatingMode.get(utils.bytes_to_int(value)) changed = bool( new_op_mode != node.operating_mode and new_op_mode in (OperatingMode.API_MODE, OperatingMode.ESCAPED_API_MODE)) if changed and apply: node._operating_mode = new_op_mode node_fut_apply.pop(parameter, None) elif changed: node_fut_apply.update({parameter: value}) return changed and apply if not node.serial_port or parameter not in (ATStringCommand.BD.command, ATStringCommand.NB.command, ATStringCommand.SB.command): return False if parameter == ATStringCommand.BD.command: from digi.xbee.profile import FirmwareBaudrate new_bd = utils.bytes_to_int(value) baudrate = FirmwareBaudrate.get(new_bd) new_bd = baudrate.baudrate if baudrate else new_bd changed = new_bd != node.serial_port.baudrate parameter = "baudrate" if changed and apply else parameter value = new_bd if changed and apply else value elif parameter == ATStringCommand.NB.command: from digi.xbee.profile import FirmwareParity new_parity = FirmwareParity.get(utils.bytes_to_int(value)) new_parity = new_parity.parity if new_parity else None changed = new_parity != node.serial_port.parity parameter = "parity" if changed and apply else parameter value = new_parity if changed and apply else value else: from digi.xbee.profile import FirmwareStopbits new_sbits = FirmwareStopbits.get(utils.bytes_to_int(value)) new_sbits = new_sbits.stop_bits if new_sbits else None changed = new_sbits != node.serial_port.stopbits parameter = "stopbits" if changed and apply else parameter value = new_sbits if changed and apply else value if changed and apply: node.serial_port.apply_settings({parameter: value}) node_fut_apply.pop(parameter, None) elif changed: node_fut_apply.update({parameter: value}) return False
[docs]class SyncRequestSender: """ Class to synchronously send XBee packets. This means after sending the packet it waits for its response, if the package includes a frame ID, otherwise it does not wait. """ def __init__(self, xbee, packet_to_send, timeout): """ Class constructor. Instantiates a new :class:`.SyncRequestSender` object with the provided parameters. Args: xbee (:class:`.XBeeDevice`): The local XBee to send the packet. packet_to_send (:class:`.XBeePacket`): The packet to transmit. timeout (Integer): Number of seconds to wait. -1 to wait indefinitely. """ self._xbee = xbee self._packet = packet_to_send self._timeout = timeout self._lock = threading.Condition() self._response_list = []
[docs] def send(self): """ Sends the packet and waits for its corresponding response. Returns: :class:`.XBeePacket`: Received response packet. Raises: InvalidOperatingModeException: If the XBee device's operating mode is not API or ESCAPED API. This method only checks the cached value of the operating mode. TimeoutException: If the response is not received in the configured timeout. XBeeException: If the XBee device's communication interface is closed. .. seealso:: | :class:`.XBeePacket` """ # Add the packet received callback. if self._packet.needs_id(): self._xbee.add_packet_received_callback(self._packet_received_cb) try: # Send the packet. self._xbee.send_packet(self._packet, sync=False) if not self._packet.needs_id(): return None # Wait for response or timeout. self._lock.acquire() if self._timeout == -1: self._lock.wait() else: self._lock.wait(self._timeout) self._lock.release() # After waiting check if we received any response, if not throw a # timeout exception. if not self._response_list: raise TimeoutException( message="Response not received in the configured timeout.") # Return the received packet. return self._response_list[0] finally: # Always remove the packet listener from the list. if self._packet.needs_id(): self._xbee.del_packet_received_callback(self._packet_received_cb)
@property def xbee(self): """ Returns the local XBee to send the packet. Returns: :class:`.XBeeDevice`: Local XBee device. """ return self._xbee @property def packet(self): """ Returns the packet to send. Returns: :class:`.XBeePacket`: Packet to send. """ return self._packet @property def timeout(self): """ Returns the maximum number of seconds to wait for a response. Returns: Integer: Timeout to wait for a response. """ return self._timeout def _packet_received_cb(self, rcv_packet): """ Callback to receive XBee packets. It filters the received packets to find the response that corresponds to the sent packet: by id, by command (for local or remote AT commands), by socket ID, etc. Args: rcv_packet (:class:`.XBeePacket`): Received packet. """ # Verify that the sent packet is not the received one! # This can happen when the echo mode is enabled in the serial port. if self._packet == rcv_packet: return if (not isinstance(self._packet, XBeeAPIPacket) or not isinstance(rcv_packet, XBeeAPIPacket)): return # Check if it is the packet we are waiting for. if (not rcv_packet.needs_id() or rcv_packet.frame_id != self._packet.frame_id): return s_f_type = self._packet.get_frame_type() r_f_type = rcv_packet.get_frame_type() if s_f_type in (ApiFrameType.AT_COMMAND, ApiFrameType.AT_COMMAND_QUEUE): received_response = self._is_valid_at_response(rcv_packet) elif s_f_type == ApiFrameType.REMOTE_AT_COMMAND_REQUEST: received_response = self._is_valid_remote_at_response(rcv_packet) elif s_f_type in (ApiFrameType.TRANSMIT_REQUEST, ApiFrameType.EXPLICIT_ADDRESSING): received_response = (r_f_type == ApiFrameType.TRANSMIT_STATUS) elif s_f_type in (ApiFrameType.TX_64, ApiFrameType.TX_16, ApiFrameType.USER_DATA_RELAY_REQUEST): # User data relay requests only receive a tx status frame for errors # This means successful user data relay requests throw a # TimeoutException using this method received_response = (r_f_type == ApiFrameType.TX_STATUS) elif s_f_type == ApiFrameType.FILE_SYSTEM_REQUEST: received_response = self._is_valid_fs_response(rcv_packet) elif s_f_type == ApiFrameType.REMOTE_FILE_SYSTEM_REQUEST: # A remote file system request may receive 2 frames: the remote file # system response and a transmit status received_response = self._is_valid_remote_fs_response(rcv_packet) elif s_f_type == ApiFrameType.SOCKET_CREATE: received_response = (r_f_type == ApiFrameType.SOCKET_CREATE_RESPONSE) elif s_f_type == ApiFrameType.SOCKET_OPTION_REQUEST: received_response = self._is_valid_socket_opt_response(rcv_packet) elif s_f_type == ApiFrameType.SOCKET_CONNECT: received_response = self._is_valid_socket_conn_response(rcv_packet) elif s_f_type == ApiFrameType.SOCKET_CLOSE: received_response = self._is_valid_socket_close_response(rcv_packet) elif s_f_type == ApiFrameType.SOCKET_BIND: received_response = self._is_valid_socket_bind_response(rcv_packet) elif s_f_type == ApiFrameType.REGISTER_JOINING_DEVICE: received_response = ( r_f_type == ApiFrameType.REGISTER_JOINING_DEVICE_STATUS) else: received_response = True if received_response: # Add the received packet to the list and notify the lock. self._lock.acquire() self._response_list.append(rcv_packet) self._lock.notify() self._lock.release() def _is_valid_at_response(self, packet): """ Checks if the provided packet is the AT command response packet that matches the sent package. Args: packet (:class:`.XBeeAPIPacket`): Packet to check. Returns: Boolean: `True` if packet is the AT command response packet corresponding to the sent package, `False` otherwise. """ # If the sent packet is an AT command, verify that the received one is # an AT command response and the command matches in both packets. return (packet.get_frame_type() == ApiFrameType.AT_COMMAND_RESPONSE and self._packet.command.upper() == packet.command.upper()) def _is_valid_remote_at_response(self, packet): """ Checks if the provided packet is the remote AT command response packet that matches the sent package. Args: packet (:class:`.XBeeAPIPacket`): Packet to check. Returns: Boolean: `True` if packet is the remote AT command response packet corresponding to the sent package, `False` otherwise. """ # If the sent packet is a remote AT command, verify that the received # one is a remote AT command response and their commands match. return (packet.get_frame_type() == ApiFrameType.REMOTE_AT_COMMAND_RESPONSE and self._packet.command.upper() == packet.command.upper() and (not XBee64BitAddress.is_known_node_addr(self._packet.x64bit_dest_addr) or self._packet.x64bit_dest_addr == packet.x64bit_source_addr) and (not XBee16BitAddress.is_known_node_addr(self._packet.x16bit_dest_addr) or not XBee16BitAddress.is_known_node_addr(packet.x16bit_source_addr) or self._packet.x16bit_dest_addr == packet.x16bit_source_addr)) def _is_valid_fs_response(self, packet): """ Checks if the provided packet is the file system response packet that matches the sent package. Args: packet (:class:`.XBeeAPIPacket`): Packet to check. Returns: Boolean: `True` if packet is the file system response packet corresponding to the sent package, `False` otherwise. """ # If the sent packet is a file system command, verify that the received # one is a file system response and their commands match. return (packet.get_frame_type() == ApiFrameType.FILE_SYSTEM_RESPONSE and self._packet.command.type == packet.command.type) def _is_valid_remote_fs_response(self, packet): """ Checks if the provided packet is the remote file system response packet that matches the sent package. Args: packet (:class:`.XBeeAPIPacket`): Packet to check. Returns: Boolean: `True` if packet is the remote file system response packet corresponding to the sent package, `False` otherwise. """ # If the sent packet is a remote file system command, verify that the # received one is a remote file system response and their commands match. return (packet.get_frame_type() == ApiFrameType.REMOTE_FILE_SYSTEM_RESPONSE and self._packet.command.type == packet.command.type and (not XBee64BitAddress.is_known_node_addr(self._packet.x64bit_dest_addr) or self._packet.x64bit_dest_addr == packet.x64bit_source_addr)) def _is_valid_socket_opt_response(self, packet): """ Checks if the provided packet is the Socket Option Response packet that matches the sent package. Args: packet (:class:`.XBeeAPIPacket`): Packet to check. Returns: Boolean: `True` if packet is the Socket Option Response packet corresponding to the sent package, `False` otherwise. """ # If the sent packet is a Socket Option request, verify that the # received one is a Socket Option response and their commands match. return (packet.get_frame_type() == ApiFrameType.SOCKET_OPTION_RESPONSE and self._packet.socket_id == packet.socket_id) def _is_valid_socket_conn_response(self, packet): """ Checks if the provided packet is the Socket Connect Response packet that matches the sent package. Args: packet (:class:`.XBeeAPIPacket`): Packet to check. Returns: Boolean: `True` if packet is the Socket Connect Response packet corresponding to the sent package, `False` otherwise. """ # If the sent packet is a Socket Connect, verify that the received one # is a Socket Connect Response and their socket IDs match. return (packet.get_frame_type() == ApiFrameType.SOCKET_CONNECT_RESPONSE and self._packet.socket_id == packet.socket_id) def _is_valid_socket_close_response(self, packet): """ Checks if the provided packet is the Socket Close Response packet that matches the sent package. Args: packet (:class:`.XBeeAPIPacket`): Packet to check. Returns: Boolean: `True` if packet is the Socket Close Response packet corresponding to the sent package, `False` otherwise. """ # If the sent packet is a Socket Close, verify that the received one is # a Socket Close Response and their socket IDs match. return (packet.get_frame_type() == ApiFrameType.SOCKET_CLOSE_RESPONSE and self._packet.socket_id == packet.socket_id) def _is_valid_socket_bind_response(self, packet): """ Checks if the provided packet is the Socket Listen Response packet that matches the sent package. Args: packet (:class:`.XBeeAPIPacket`): Packet to check. Returns: Boolean: `True` if packet is the Socket Listen Response packet corresponding to the sent package, `False` otherwise. """ # If the sent packet is a Socket Bind, verify that the received one is # a Socket Listen Response and their socket IDs match. return (packet.get_frame_type() == ApiFrameType.SOCKET_LISTEN_RESPONSE and self._packet.socket_id == packet.socket_id)