digi.xbee.models.status module

class digi.xbee.models.status.ATCommandStatus(code, description)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

This class lists all the possible states of an AT command after execution.

Inherited properties:
name (String): the name (id) of the ATCommandStatus.
value (String): the value of the ATCommandStatus.
ATCommandStatus.OK = (0, ‘Status OK’)
ATCommandStatus.ERROR = (1, ‘Status Error’)
ATCommandStatus.INVALID_COMMAND = (2, ‘Invalid command’)
ATCommandStatus.INVALID_PARAMETER = (3, ‘Invalid parameter’)
ATCommandStatus.TX_FAILURE = (4, ‘TX failure’)
ATCommandStatus.NO_SECURE_SESSION = (11, ‘No secure session: Remote command access requires a secure session be established first’)
ATCommandStatus.ENC_ERROR = (12, ‘Encryption error’)
ATCommandStatus.CMD_SENT_INSECURELY = (13, ‘Command sent insecurely: A secure session exists, but the request needs to have the appropriate command option set (bit 4)’)
ATCommandStatus.UNKNOWN = (255, ‘Unknown status’)


Returns the code of the ATCommandStatus element.

Returns:the code of the ATCommandStatus element.
Return type:Integer

Returns the description of the ATCommandStatus element.

Returns:the description of the ATCommandStatus element.
Return type:String
class digi.xbee.models.status.DiscoveryStatus(code, description)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

This class lists all the possible states of the discovery process.

Inherited properties:
name (String): The name of the DiscoveryStatus.
value (Integer): The ID of the DiscoveryStatus.
DiscoveryStatus.NO_DISCOVERY_OVERHEAD = (0, ‘No discovery overhead’)
DiscoveryStatus.ADDRESS_DISCOVERY = (1, ‘Address discovery’)
DiscoveryStatus.ROUTE_DISCOVERY = (2, ‘Route discovery’)
DiscoveryStatus.ADDRESS_AND_ROUTE = (3, ‘Address and route’)
DiscoveryStatus.EXTENDED_TIMEOUT_DISCOVERY = (64, ‘Extended timeout discovery’)
DiscoveryStatus.UNKNOWN = (255, ‘Unknown’)


Returns the code of the DiscoveryStatus element.

Returns:the code of the DiscoveryStatus element.
Return type:Integer

Returns the description of the DiscoveryStatus element.

Returns:The description of the DiscoveryStatus element.
Return type:String
class digi.xbee.models.status.TransmitStatus(code, description)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

This class represents all available transmit status.

Inherited properties:
name (String): the name (id) of ths TransmitStatus.
value (String): the value of ths TransmitStatus.
TransmitStatus.SUCCESS = (0, ‘Success’)
TransmitStatus.NO_ACK = (1, ‘No acknowledgement received’)
TransmitStatus.CCA_FAILURE = (2, ‘CCA failure’)
TransmitStatus.PURGED = (3, ‘Transmission purged, it was attempted before stack was up’)
TransmitStatus.WIFI_PHYSICAL_ERROR = (4, ‘Transceiver was unable to complete the transmission’)
TransmitStatus.INVALID_DESTINATION = (21, ‘Invalid destination endpoint’)
TransmitStatus.NO_BUFFERS = (24, ‘No buffers’)
TransmitStatus.NETWORK_ACK_FAILURE = (33, ‘Network ACK Failure’)
TransmitStatus.NOT_JOINED_NETWORK = (34, ‘Not joined to network’)
TransmitStatus.SELF_ADDRESSED = (35, ‘Self-addressed’)
TransmitStatus.ADDRESS_NOT_FOUND = (36, ‘Address not found’)
TransmitStatus.ROUTE_NOT_FOUND = (37, ‘Route not found’)
TransmitStatus.BROADCAST_FAILED = (38, ‘Broadcast source failed to hear a neighbor relay the message’)
TransmitStatus.INVALID_BINDING_TABLE_INDEX = (43, ‘Invalid binding table index’)
TransmitStatus.INVALID_ENDPOINT = (44, ‘Invalid endpoint’)
TransmitStatus.BROADCAST_ERROR_APS = (45, ‘Attempted broadcast with APS transmission’)
TransmitStatus.BROADCAST_ERROR_APS_EE0 = (46, ‘Attempted broadcast with APS transmission, but EE=0’)
TransmitStatus.SOFTWARE_ERROR = (49, ‘A software error occurred’)
TransmitStatus.RESOURCE_ERROR = (50, ‘Resource error lack of free buffers, timers, etc’)
TransmitStatus.NO_SECURE_SESSION = (52, ‘No Secure session connection’)
TransmitStatus.ENC_FAILURE = (53, ‘Encryption failure’)
TransmitStatus.PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE = (116, ‘Data payload too large’)
TransmitStatus.INDIRECT_MESSAGE_UNREQUESTED = (117, ‘Indirect message unrequested’)
TransmitStatus.SOCKET_CREATION_FAILED = (118, ‘Attempt to create a client socket failed’)
TransmitStatus.IP_PORT_NOT_EXIST = (119, ‘TCP connection to given IP address and port does not exist. Source port is non-zero, so a new connection is not attempted’)
TransmitStatus.UDP_SRC_PORT_NOT_MATCH_LISTENING_PORT = (120, ‘Source port on a UDP transmission does not match a listening port on the transmitting module’)
TransmitStatus.TCP_SRC_PORT_NOT_MATCH_LISTENING_PORT = (121, ‘Source port on a TCP transmission does not match a listening port on the transmitting module’)
TransmitStatus.INVALID_IP_ADDRESS = (122, ‘Destination IPv4 address is invalid’)
TransmitStatus.INVALID_IP_PROTOCOL = (123, ‘Protocol on an IPv4 transmission is invalid’)
TransmitStatus.RELAY_INTERFACE_INVALID = (124, ‘Destination interface on a User Data Relay Frame does not exist’)
TransmitStatus.RELAY_INTERFACE_REJECTED = (125, ‘Destination interface on a User Data Relay Frame exists, but the interface is not accepting data’)
TransmitStatus.MODEM_UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS = (126, ‘Modem update in progress. Try again after update completion.’)
TransmitStatus.SOCKET_CONNECTION_REFUSED = (128, ‘Destination server refused the connection’)
TransmitStatus.SOCKET_CONNECTION_LOST = (129, ‘The existing connection was lost before the data was sent’)
TransmitStatus.SOCKET_ERROR_NO_SERVER = (130, ‘No server’)
TransmitStatus.SOCKET_ERROR_CLOSED = (131, ‘The existing connection was closed’)
TransmitStatus.SOCKET_ERROR_UNKNOWN_SERVER = (132, ‘The server could not be found’)
TransmitStatus.SOCKET_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR = (133, ‘An unknown error occurred’)
TransmitStatus.INVALID_TLS_CONFIGURATION = (134, ‘TLS Profile on a 0x23 API request does not exist, or one or more certificates is invalid’)
TransmitStatus.SOCKET_NOT_CONNECTED = (135, ‘Socket not connected’)
TransmitStatus.SOCKET_NOT_BOUND = (136, ‘Socket not bound’)
TransmitStatus.KEY_NOT_AUTHORIZED = (187, ‘Key not authorized’)
TransmitStatus.UNKNOWN = (255, ‘Unknown’)


Returns the code of the TransmitStatus element.

Returns:the code of the TransmitStatus element.
Return type:Integer

Returns the description of the TransmitStatus element.

Returns:the description of the TransmitStatus element.
Return type:String
class digi.xbee.models.status.ModemStatus(code, description)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

Enumerates the different modem status events. This enumeration list is intended to be used within the ModemStatusPacket packet.
ModemStatus.HARDWARE_RESET = (0, ‘Device was reset’)
ModemStatus.WATCHDOG_TIMER_RESET = (1, ‘Watchdog timer was reset’)
ModemStatus.JOINED_NETWORK = (2, ‘Device joined to network’)
ModemStatus.DISASSOCIATED = (3, ‘Device disassociated’)
ModemStatus.ERROR_SYNCHRONIZATION_LOST = (4, ‘Configuration error/synchronization lost’)
ModemStatus.COORDINATOR_REALIGNMENT = (5, ‘Coordinator realignment’)
ModemStatus.COORDINATOR_STARTED = (6, ‘The coordinator started’)
ModemStatus.NETWORK_SECURITY_KEY_UPDATED = (7, ‘Network security key was updated’)
ModemStatus.NETWORK_WOKE_UP = (11, ‘Network woke up’)
ModemStatus.NETWORK_WENT_TO_SLEEP = (12, ‘Network went to sleep’)
ModemStatus.VOLTAGE_SUPPLY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = (13, ‘Voltage supply limit exceeded’)
ModemStatus.REMOTE_MANAGER_CONNECTED = (14, ‘Remote Manager connected’)
ModemStatus.REMOTE_MANAGER_DISCONNECTED = (15, ‘Remote Manager disconnected’)
ModemStatus.MODEM_CONFIG_CHANGED_WHILE_JOINING = (17, ‘Modem configuration changed while joining’)
ModemStatus.ACCESS_FAULT = (18, ‘Access fault’)
ModemStatus.FATAL_ERROR = (19, ‘Fatal error’)
ModemStatus.BLUETOOTH_CONNECTED = (50, ‘A Bluetooth connection has been made and API mode has been unlocked’)
ModemStatus.BLUETOOTH_DISCONNECTED = (51, ‘An unlocked Bluetooth connection has been disconnected’)
ModemStatus.BANDMASK_CONFIGURATION_ERROR = (52, ‘LTE-M/NB-IoT bandmask configuration has failed’)
ModemStatus.CELLULAR_UPDATE_START = (53, ‘Cellular component update started’)
ModemStatus.CELLULAR_UPDATE_FAILED = (54, ‘Cellular component update failed’)
ModemStatus.CELLULAR_UPDATE_SUCCESS = (55, ‘Cellular component update completed’)
ModemStatus.FIRMWARE_UPDATE_START = (56, ‘XBee firmware update started’)
ModemStatus.FIRMWARE_UPDATE_FAILED = (57, ‘XBee firmware update failed’)
ModemStatus.FIRMWARE_UPDATE_APPLYING = (58, ‘XBee firmware update applying’)
ModemStatus.SEC_SESSION_ESTABLISHED = (59, ‘Secure session successfully established’)
ModemStatus.SEC_SESSION_END = (60, ‘Secure session ended’)
ModemStatus.SEC_SESSION_AUTH_FAILED = (61, ‘Secure session authentication failed’)
ModemStatus.COORD_PAN_ID_CONFLICT = (62, ‘Coordinator detected a PAN ID conflict but took no action because CR=0’)
ModemStatus.COORD_CHANGE_PAN_ID = (63, ‘Coordinator changed PAN ID due to a conflict’)
ModemStatus.ROUTER_PAN_ID_CHANGED = (64, ‘Router PAN ID was changed by coordinator due to a conflict’)
ModemStatus.NET_WATCHDOG_EXPIRED = (66, ‘Network watchdog timeout expired’)
ModemStatus.ERROR_STACK = (128, ‘Stack error’)
ModemStatus.ERROR_AP_NOT_CONNECTED = (130, ‘Send/join command issued without connecting from AP’)
ModemStatus.ERROR_AP_NOT_FOUND = (131, ‘Access point not found’)
ModemStatus.ERROR_PSK_NOT_CONFIGURED = (132, ‘PSK not configured’)
ModemStatus.ERROR_SSID_NOT_FOUND = (135, ‘SSID not found’)
ModemStatus.ERROR_FAILED_JOIN_SECURITY = (136, ‘Failed to join with security enabled’)
ModemStatus.ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL = (138, ‘Invalid channel’)
ModemStatus.ERROR_FAILED_JOIN_AP = (142, ‘Failed to join access point’)
ModemStatus.UNKNOWN = (255, ‘UNKNOWN’)


Returns the code of the ModemStatus element.

Returns:the code of the ModemStatus element.
Return type:Integer

Returns the description of the ModemStatus element.

Returns:the description of the ModemStatus element.
Return type:String
class digi.xbee.models.status.PowerLevel(code, description)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

Enumerates the different power levels. The power level indicates the output power value of a radio when transmitting data.
PowerLevel.LEVEL_LOWEST = (0, ‘Lowest’)
PowerLevel.LEVEL_LOW = (1, ‘Low’)
PowerLevel.LEVEL_MEDIUM = (2, ‘Medium’)
PowerLevel.LEVEL_HIGH = (3, ‘High’)
PowerLevel.LEVEL_HIGHEST = (4, ‘Highest’)
PowerLevel.LEVEL_UNKNOWN = (255, ‘Unknown’)


Returns the code of the PowerLevel element.

Returns:the code of the PowerLevel element.
Return type:Integer

Returns the description of the PowerLevel element.

Returns:the description of the PowerLevel element.
Return type:String
class digi.xbee.models.status.AssociationIndicationStatus(code, description)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

Enumerates the different association indication statuses.
AssociationIndicationStatus.SUCCESSFULLY_JOINED = (0, ‘Successfully formed or joined a network’)
AssociationIndicationStatus.AS_TIMEOUT = (1, ‘Active Scan Timeout’)
AssociationIndicationStatus.AS_NO_PANS_FOUND = (2, ‘Active Scan found no PANs’)
AssociationIndicationStatus.AS_ASSOCIATION_NOT_ALLOWED = (3, ‘Active Scan found PAN, but the CoordinatorAllowAssociation bit is not set’)
AssociationIndicationStatus.AS_BEACONS_NOT_SUPPORTED = (4, ‘Active Scan found PAN, but Coordinator and End Device are not onfigured to support beacons’)
AssociationIndicationStatus.AS_ID_DOESNT_MATCH = (5, ‘Active Scan found PAN, but the Coordinator ID parameter does not match the ID parameter of the End Device’)
AssociationIndicationStatus.AS_CHANNEL_DOESNT_MATCH = (6, ‘Active Scan found PAN, but the Coordinator CH parameter does not match the CH parameter of the End Device’)
AssociationIndicationStatus.ENERGY_SCAN_TIMEOUT = (7, ‘Energy Scan Timeout’)
AssociationIndicationStatus.COORDINATOR_START_REQUEST_FAILED = (8, ‘Coordinator start request failed’)
AssociationIndicationStatus.COORDINATOR_INVALID_PARAMETER = (9, ‘Coordinator could not start due to invalid parameter’)
AssociationIndicationStatus.COORDINATOR_REALIGNMENT = (10, ‘Coordinator Realignment is in progress’)
AssociationIndicationStatus.AR_NOT_SENT = (11, ‘Association Request not sent’)
AssociationIndicationStatus.AR_TIMED_OUT = (12, ‘Association Request timed out - no reply was received’)
AssociationIndicationStatus.AR_INVALID_PARAMETER = (13, ‘Association Request had an Invalid Parameter’)
AssociationIndicationStatus.AR_CHANNEL_ACCESS_FAILURE = (14, ‘Association Request Channel Access Failure. Request was not transmitted - CCA failure’)
AssociationIndicationStatus.AR_COORDINATOR_ACK_WASNT_RECEIVED = (15, ‘Remote Coordinator did not send an ACK after Association Request was sent’)
AssociationIndicationStatus.AR_COORDINATOR_DIDNT_REPLY = (16, ‘Remote Coordinator did not reply to the Association Request, but an ACK was received after sending the request’)
AssociationIndicationStatus.SYNCHRONIZATION_LOST = (18, ‘Sync-Loss - Lost synchronization with a Beaconing Coordinator’)
AssociationIndicationStatus.DISASSOCIATED = (19, ‘ Disassociated - No longer associated to Coordinator’)
AssociationIndicationStatus.NO_PANS_FOUND = (33, ‘Scan found no PANs.’)
AssociationIndicationStatus.NO_PANS_WITH_ID_FOUND = (34, ‘Scan found no valid PANs based on current SC and ID settings’)
AssociationIndicationStatus.NJ_EXPIRED = (35, ‘Valid Coordinator or Routers found, but they are not allowing joining (NJ expired)’)
AssociationIndicationStatus.NO_JOINABLE_BEACONS_FOUND = (36, ‘No joinable beacons were found’)
AssociationIndicationStatus.UNEXPECTED_STATE = (37, ‘Unexpected state, node should not be attempting to join at this time’)
AssociationIndicationStatus.JOIN_FAILED = (39, ‘Node Joining attempt failed (typically due to incompatible security settings)’)
AssociationIndicationStatus.COORDINATOR_START_FAILED = (42, ‘Coordinator Start attempt failed’)
AssociationIndicationStatus.CHECKING_FOR_COORDINATOR = (43, ‘Checking for an existing coordinator’)
AssociationIndicationStatus.NETWORK_LEAVE_FAILED = (44, ‘Attempt to leave the network failed’)
AssociationIndicationStatus.DEVICE_DIDNT_RESPOND = (171, ‘Attempted to join a device that did not respond’)
AssociationIndicationStatus.UNSECURED_KEY_RECEIVED = (172, ‘Secure join error - network security key received unsecured’)
AssociationIndicationStatus.KEY_NOT_RECEIVED = (173, ‘Secure join error - network security key not received’)
AssociationIndicationStatus.INVALID_SECURITY_KEY = (175, ‘Secure join error - joining device does not have the right preconfigured link key’)
AssociationIndicationStatus.SCANNING_NETWORK = (255, ‘Scanning for a network/Attempting to associate’)


Returns the code of the AssociationIndicationStatus element.

Returns:the code of the AssociationIndicationStatus element.
Return type:Integer

Returns the description of the AssociationIndicationStatus element.

the description of the AssociationIndicationStatus
Return type:String
class digi.xbee.models.status.CellularAssociationIndicationStatus(code, description)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

Enumerates the different association indication statuses for the Cellular protocol.
CellularAssociationIndicationStatus.SUCCESSFULLY_CONNECTED = (0, ‘Connected to the Internet’)
CellularAssociationIndicationStatus.REGISTERING_CELLULAR_NETWORK = (34, ‘Registering to cellular network’)
CellularAssociationIndicationStatus.CONNECTING_INTERNET = (35, ‘Connecting to the Internet’)
CellularAssociationIndicationStatus.MODEM_FIRMWARE_CORRUPT = (36, ‘The cellular component requires a new firmware image’)
CellularAssociationIndicationStatus.REGISTRATION_DENIED = (37, ‘Cellular network registration was denied’)
CellularAssociationIndicationStatus.AIRPLANE_MODE = (42, ‘Airplane mode is active’)
CellularAssociationIndicationStatus.USB_DIRECT = (43, ‘USB Direct mode is active’)
CellularAssociationIndicationStatus.PSM_LOW_POWER = (44, ‘The cellular component is in the PSM low-power state’)
CellularAssociationIndicationStatus.BYPASS_MODE = (47, ‘Bypass mode active’)
CellularAssociationIndicationStatus.INITIALIZING = (255, ‘Initializing’)


Returns the code of the CellularAssociationIndicationStatus element.

the code of the CellularAssociationIndicationStatus
Return type:Integer
Returns the description of the CellularAssociationIndicationStatus
the description of the CellularAssociationIndicationStatus
Return type:String
class digi.xbee.models.status.DeviceCloudStatus(code, description)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

Enumerates the different Device Cloud statuses.
DeviceCloudStatus.SUCCESS = (0, ‘Success’)
DeviceCloudStatus.BAD_REQUEST = (1, ‘Bad request’)
DeviceCloudStatus.RESPONSE_UNAVAILABLE = (2, ‘Response unavailable’)
DeviceCloudStatus.DEVICE_CLOUD_ERROR = (3, ‘Device Cloud error’)
DeviceCloudStatus.CANCELED = (32, ‘Device Request canceled by user’)
DeviceCloudStatus.TIME_OUT = (33, ‘Session timed out’)
DeviceCloudStatus.UNKNOWN_ERROR = (64, ‘Unknown error’)


Returns the code of the DeviceCloudStatus element.

Returns:the code of the DeviceCloudStatus element.
Return type:Integer

Returns the description of the DeviceCloudStatus element.

Returns:the description of the DeviceCloudStatus element.
Return type:String
class digi.xbee.models.status.FrameError(code, description)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

Enumerates the different frame errors.
FrameError.INVALID_TYPE = (2, ‘Invalid frame type’)
FrameError.INVALID_LENGTH = (3, ‘Invalid frame length’)
FrameError.INVALID_CHECKSUM = (4, ‘Erroneous checksum on last frame’)
FrameError.PAYLOAD_TOO_BIG = (5, ‘Payload of last API frame was too big to fit into a buffer’)
FrameError.STRING_ENTRY_TOO_BIG = (6, ‘String entry was too big on last API frame sent’)
FrameError.WRONG_STATE = (7, ‘Wrong state to receive frame’)
FrameError.WRONG_REQUEST_ID = (8, ‘Device request ID of device response do not match the number in the request’)


Returns the code of the FrameError element.

Returns:the code of the FrameError element.
Return type:Integer

Returns the description of the FrameError element.

Returns:the description of the FrameError element.
Return type:String
class digi.xbee.models.status.WiFiAssociationIndicationStatus(code, description)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

Enumerates the different Wi-Fi association indication statuses.
WiFiAssociationIndicationStatus.SUCCESSFULLY_JOINED = (0, ‘Successfully joined to access point’)
WiFiAssociationIndicationStatus.INITIALIZING = (1, ‘Initialization in progress’)
WiFiAssociationIndicationStatus.INITIALIZED = (2, ‘Initialized, but not yet scanning’)
WiFiAssociationIndicationStatus.DISCONNECTING = (19, ‘Disconnecting from access point’)
WiFiAssociationIndicationStatus.SSID_NOT_CONFIGURED = (35, ‘SSID not configured’)
WiFiAssociationIndicationStatus.INVALID_KEY = (36, ‘Encryption key invalid (NULL or invalid length)’)
WiFiAssociationIndicationStatus.JOIN_FAILED = (39, ‘SSID found, but join failed’)
WiFiAssociationIndicationStatus.WAITING_FOR_AUTH = (64, ‘Waiting for WPA or WPA2 authentication’)
WiFiAssociationIndicationStatus.WAITING_FOR_IP = (65, ‘Joined to a network and waiting for IP address’)
WiFiAssociationIndicationStatus.SETTING_UP_SOCKETS = (66, ‘Joined to a network and IP configured. Setting up listening sockets’)
WiFiAssociationIndicationStatus.SCANNING_FOR_SSID = (255, ‘Scanning for the configured SSID’)


Returns the code of the WiFiAssociationIndicationStatus element.

Returns:the code of the WiFiAssociationIndicationStatus element.
Return type:Integer

Returns the description of the WiFiAssociationIndicationStatus element.

Returns:the description of the WiFiAssociationIndicationStatus element.
Return type:String
class digi.xbee.models.status.NetworkDiscoveryStatus(code, description)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

Enumerates the different statuses of the network discovery process.
NetworkDiscoveryStatus.SUCCESS = (0, ‘Success’)
NetworkDiscoveryStatus.ERROR_READ_TIMEOUT = (1, ‘Read timeout error’)
NetworkDiscoveryStatus.ERROR_NET_DISCOVER = (2, ‘Error executing node discovery’)
NetworkDiscoveryStatus.ERROR_GENERAL = (3, ‘Error while discovering network’)
NetworkDiscoveryStatus.CANCEL = (4, ‘Discovery process cancelled’)


Returns the code of the NetworkDiscoveryStatus element.

Returns:the code of the NetworkDiscoveryStatus element.
Return type:Integer

Returns the description of the NetworkDiscoveryStatus element.

Returns:the description of the NetworkDiscoveryStatus element.
Return type:String
class digi.xbee.models.status.ZigbeeRegisterStatus(code, description)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

Enumerates the different statuses of the Zigbee Device Register process.
ZigbeeRegisterStatus.SUCCESS = (0, ‘Success’)
ZigbeeRegisterStatus.KEY_TOO_LONG = (1, ‘Key too long’)
ZigbeeRegisterStatus.ADDRESS_NOT_FOUND = (177, ‘Address not found in the key table’)
ZigbeeRegisterStatus.INVALID_KEY = (178, ‘Key is invalid (00 and FF are reserved)’)
ZigbeeRegisterStatus.INVALID_ADDRESS = (179, ‘Invalid address’)
ZigbeeRegisterStatus.KEY_TABLE_FULL = (180, ‘Key table is full’)
ZigbeeRegisterStatus.KEY_NOT_FOUND = (255, ‘Key not found’)
ZigbeeRegisterStatus.UNKNOWN = (238, ‘Unknown’)


Returns the code of the ZigbeeRegisterStatus element.

Returns:the code of the ZigbeeRegisterStatus element.
Return type:Integer

Returns the description of the ZigbeeRegisterStatus element.

Returns:the description of the ZigbeeRegisterStatus element.
Return type:String
class digi.xbee.models.status.EmberBootloaderMessageType(code, description)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

Enumerates the different types of the Ember bootloader messages.
EmberBootloaderMessageType.ACK = (6, ‘ACK message’)
EmberBootloaderMessageType.NACK = (21, ‘NACK message’)
EmberBootloaderMessageType.NO_MAC_ACK = (64, ‘No MAC ACK message’)
EmberBootloaderMessageType.QUERY = (81, ‘Query message’)
EmberBootloaderMessageType.QUERY_RESPONSE = (82, ‘Query response message’)
EmberBootloaderMessageType.UNKNOWN = (255, ‘Unknown’)


Returns the code of the EmberBootloaderMessageType element.

Returns:the code of the EmberBootloaderMessageType element.
Return type:Integer

Returns the description of the EmberBootloaderMessageType element.

Returns:the description of the EmberBootloaderMessageType element.
Return type:String
class digi.xbee.models.status.SocketStatus(code, description)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

Enumerates the different Socket statuses.
SocketStatus.SUCCESS = (0, ‘Operation successful’)
SocketStatus.INVALID_PARAM = (1, ‘Invalid parameters’)
SocketStatus.FAILED_TO_READ = (2, ‘Failed to retrieve option value’)
SocketStatus.CONNECTION_IN_PROGRESS = (3, ‘Connection already in progress’)
SocketStatus.ALREADY_CONNECTED = (4, ‘Already connected/bound/listening’)
SocketStatus.UNKNOWN_ERROR = (5, ‘Unknown error’)
SocketStatus.BAD_SOCKET = (32, ‘Bad socket ID’)
SocketStatus.NOT_REGISTERED = (34, ‘Not registered to cell network’)
SocketStatus.INTERNAL_ERROR = (49, ‘Internal error’)
SocketStatus.RESOURCE_ERROR = (50, ‘Resource error: retry the operation later’)
SocketStatus.INVALID_PROTOCOL = (123, ‘Invalid protocol’)
SocketStatus.UNKNOWN = (255, ‘Unknown’)


Returns the code of the SocketStatus element.

Returns:the code of the SocketStatus element.
Return type:Integer

Returns the description of the SocketStatus element.

Returns:the description of the SocketStatus element.
Return type:String
class digi.xbee.models.status.SocketState(code, description)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

Enumerates the different Socket states.
SocketState.CONNECTED = (0, ‘Connected’)
SocketState.FAILED_DNS = (1, ‘Failed DNS lookup’)
SocketState.CONNECTION_REFUSED = (2, ‘Connection refused’)
SocketState.TRANSPORT_CLOSED = (3, ‘Transport closed’)
SocketState.TIMED_OUT = (4, ‘Timed out’)
SocketState.INTERNAL_ERROR = (5, ‘Internal error’)
SocketState.HOST_UNREACHABLE = (6, ‘Host unreachable’)
SocketState.CONNECTION_LOST = (7, ‘Connection lost’)
SocketState.UNKNOWN_ERROR = (8, ‘Unknown error’)
SocketState.UNKNOWN_SERVER = (9, ‘Unknown server’)
SocketState.RESOURCE_ERROR = (10, ‘Resource error’)
SocketState.LISTENER_CLOSED = (11, ‘Listener closed’)
SocketState.UNKNOWN = (255, ‘Unknown’)


Returns the code of the SocketState element.

Returns:the code of the SocketState element.
Return type:Integer

Returns the description of the SocketState element.

Returns:the description of the SocketState element.
Return type:String
class digi.xbee.models.status.SocketInfoState(code, description)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

Enumerates the different Socket info states.
SocketInfoState.ALLOCATED = (0, ‘Allocated’)
SocketInfoState.CONNECTING = (1, ‘Connecting’)
SocketInfoState.CONNECTED = (2, ‘Connected’)
SocketInfoState.LISTENING = (3, ‘Listening’)
SocketInfoState.BOUND = (4, ‘Bound’)
SocketInfoState.CLOSING = (5, ‘Closing’)
SocketInfoState.UNKNOWN = (255, ‘Unknown’)


Returns the code of the SocketInfoState element.

Returns:the code of the SocketInfoState element.
Return type:Integer

Returns the description of the SocketInfoState element.

Returns:the description of the SocketInfoState element.
Return type:String
class digi.xbee.models.status.FSCommandStatus(code, description)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

This class lists all the possible states of an file system command after execution.

Inherited properties:
name (String): Name (id) of the FSCommandStatus.
value (String): Value of the FSCommandStatus.
Success (0x00) = (0, ‘Success’)
Error (0x01) = (1, ‘Error’)
Invalid file system command (0x02) = (2, ‘Invalid file system command’)
Invalid command parameter (0x03) = (3, ‘Invalid command parameter’)
Access denied (0x50) = (80, ‘Access denied’)
File or directory already exists (0x51) = (81, ‘File or directory already exists’)
File or directory does not exist (0x52) = (82, ‘File or directory does not exist’)
Invalid file or directory name (0x53) = (83, ‘Invalid file or directory name’)
File operation on directory (0x54) = (84, ‘File operation on directory’)
Directory is not empty (0x55) = (85, ‘Directory is not empty’)
Attempt to read past EOF (end of file) (0x56) = (86, ‘Attempt to read past EOF (end of file)’)
Hardware failure (0x57) = (87, ‘Hardware failure’)
Volume offline / format required (0x58) = (88, ‘Volume offline / format required’)
Volume full (0x59) = (89, ‘Volume full’)
Operation timed out (0x5A) = (90, ‘Operation timed out’)
Busy with prior operation (0x5B) = (91, ‘Busy with prior operation’)
Resource failure (memory allocation failed, try again) (0x5C) = (92, ‘Resource failure (memory allocation failed, try again)’)


Returns the code of the FSCommandStatus element.

Returns:Code of the FSCommandStatus element.
Return type:Integer

Returns the description of the FSCommandStatus element.

Returns:Description of the FSCommandStatus element.
Return type:String
class digi.xbee.models.status.NodeUpdateType(code, description)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

This class lists the update types.

Inherited properties:
name (String): Name (id) of the NodeUpdateType.
value (String): Value of the NodeUpdateType.
Firmware update = (0, ‘Firmware update’)
Profile update = (1, ‘Profile update’)
File system update = (2, ‘File system update’)


Returns the code of the NodeUpdateType element.

Returns:Code of the NodeUpdateType element.
Return type:Integer

Returns the description of the NodeUpdateType element.

Returns:Description of the NodeUpdateType element.
Return type:String
class digi.xbee.models.status.UpdateProgressStatus(update_type, task_str, percent, finished)[source]

Bases: object

This class represents the state of a update process.

Class constructor. Instantiates a new UpdateProgressState object.

  • update_type (NodeUpdateType) – Type of update.
  • task_str (String) – The current update task.
  • percent (Integer) – The current update task percentage.
  • finished (Boolean) – True if the update finished for the XBee, False otherwise.

firmware or profile.

Returns:The update type
Return type:NodeUpdateType
Type:Gets the update type

Gets the update task.

Returns:The current update task.
Return type:String

Gets the progress percentage.

Returns:The update task percentage
Return type:Integer

Gets a boolean value indicating if the update process finished for an XBee.

True if the update process has finished for an XBee,
False otherwise.
Return type:Boolean