digi.xbee.exception module
- exception digi.xbee.exception.XBeeException[source]
Generic XBee API exception. This class and its subclasses indicate conditions that an application might want to catch.
All functionality of this class is the inherited of Exception.
- add_note()
Exception.add_note(note) – add a note to the exception
- with_traceback()
Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.
- exception digi.xbee.exception.CommunicationException[source]
This exception will be thrown when any problem related to the communication with the XBee device occurs.
All functionality of this class is the inherited of Exception.
- add_note()
Exception.add_note(note) – add a note to the exception
- with_traceback()
Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.
- exception digi.xbee.exception.ATCommandException(message='There was a problem sending the AT command packet.', cmd_status=None)[source]
This exception will be thrown when a response of a packet is not success or OK.
All functionality of this class is the inherited of Exception.
- add_note()
Exception.add_note(note) – add a note to the exception
- with_traceback()
Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.
- exception digi.xbee.exception.ConnectionException[source]
This exception will be thrown when any problem related to the connection with the XBee device occurs.
All functionality of this class is the inherited of Exception.
- add_note()
Exception.add_note(note) – add a note to the exception
- with_traceback()
Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.
- exception digi.xbee.exception.XBeeDeviceException[source]
This exception will be thrown when any problem related to the XBee device occurs.
All functionality of this class is the inherited of Exception.
- add_note()
Exception.add_note(note) – add a note to the exception
- with_traceback()
Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.
- exception digi.xbee.exception.InvalidConfigurationException(message='The configuration used to open the interface is invalid.')[source]
This exception will be thrown when trying to open an interface with an invalid configuration.
All functionality of this class is the inherited of Exception.
- add_note()
Exception.add_note(note) – add a note to the exception
- with_traceback()
Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.
- exception digi.xbee.exception.InvalidOperatingModeException(message=None, op_mode=None)[source]
This exception will be thrown if the operating mode is different than OperatingMode.API_MODE and OperatingMode.API_MODE
All functionality of this class is the inherited of Exception.
- add_note()
Exception.add_note(note) – add a note to the exception
- with_traceback()
Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.
- exception digi.xbee.exception.InvalidPacketException(message='The XBee API packet is not properly formed.')[source]
This exception will be thrown when there is an error parsing an API packet from the input stream.
All functionality of this class is the inherited of Exception.
- add_note()
Exception.add_note(note) – add a note to the exception
- with_traceback()
Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.
- exception digi.xbee.exception.OperationNotSupportedException(message='The requested operation is not supported by either the connection interface or the XBee device.')[source]
This exception will be thrown when the operation performed is not supported by the XBee device.
All functionality of this class is the inherited of Exception.
- add_note()
Exception.add_note(note) – add a note to the exception
- with_traceback()
Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.
- exception digi.xbee.exception.TimeoutException(message='There was a timeout while executing the requested operation.')[source]
This exception will be thrown when performing synchronous operations and the configured time expires.
All functionality of this class is the inherited of Exception.
- add_note()
Exception.add_note(note) – add a note to the exception
- with_traceback()
Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.
- exception digi.xbee.exception.TransmitException(message='There was a problem with a transmitted packet response (status not ok)', transmit_status=None)[source]
This exception will be thrown when receiving a transmit status different than TransmitStatus.SUCCESS after sending an XBee API packet.
All functionality of this class is the inherited of Exception.
- add_note()
Exception.add_note(note) – add a note to the exception
- with_traceback()
Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.
- exception digi.xbee.exception.XBeeSocketException(message='There was a socket error', status=None)[source]
This exception will be thrown when there is an error performing any socket operation.
All functionality of this class is the inherited of Exception.
- add_note()
Exception.add_note(note) – add a note to the exception
- with_traceback()
Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.
- exception digi.xbee.exception.FirmwareUpdateException[source]
This exception will be thrown when any problem related to the firmware update process of the XBee device occurs.
All functionality of this class is the inherited of Exception.
- add_note()
Exception.add_note(note) – add a note to the exception
- with_traceback()
Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.
- exception digi.xbee.exception.RecoveryException[source]
This exception will be thrown when any problem related to the auto-recovery process of the XBee device occurs.
All functionality of this class is the inherited of Exception.
- add_note()
Exception.add_note(note) – add a note to the exception
- with_traceback()
Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.