Source code for digi.xbee.util.exportutils

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import datetime

from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement, ElementTree

from digi.xbee.devices import RemoteZigBeeDevice
from digi.xbee.profile import FirmwareParity
from digi.xbee.util import utils

[docs]def generate_network_xml(xbee, date_now=None, name=None, desc=None): """ Generates the XML hierarchy representing the network of the given XBee. Params: xbee (:class:`.XBeeDevice`): Local XBee node. date_now (:class: `datetime.datetime`, optional, default=`None`): Date to set in the XML. name (String, optional, default=`None`): Human readable network name. desc (String, optional, default=`None`): Description of the network. Return: :class:`xml.etree.ElementTree.ElementTree`: Generated XML hierarchy. """ level = 1 if not date_now: date_now = net_node = Element("network", attrib={"name": "%s_network" if not name else name}) net_node.text = "\n" + '\t' * level desc_node = SubElement(net_node, "description") desc_node.text = "" if not desc else desc desc_node.tail = "\n" + '\t' * level date = SubElement(net_node, "date") date.text = date_now.strftime("%-m/%-d/%y %-I:%-M:%-S %p") date.tail = "\n" + '\t' * level protocol = SubElement(net_node, "protocol") protocol.text = str(xbee.get_protocol().code) protocol.tail = "\n" + '\t' * level map_type = SubElement(net_node, "map_type") map_type.text = "dynamic" map_type.tail = "\n" + '\t' * level net_node.append(_generate_nodes_xml(xbee, level + 1)) return ElementTree(element=net_node)
def _generate_nodes_xml(xbee, level=0): """ Generates the XML element representing the network of the given XBee. Params: xbee (:class:`.XBeeDevice`): Local XBee node. level (Integer, optional, default=0): Indentation level. Return: :class:`xml.etree.ElementTree.Element`: Generated XML element. """ network = xbee.get_network() devices_node = Element("devices") devices_node.text = "\n" + '\t' * level devices_node.tail = "\n" level += 1 if network: for node in [xbee] + network.get_devices(): devices_node.append(_generate_node_xml(node, level)) last_device = devices_node.find("./device[last()]") if last_device: last_device.tail = "\n" + '\t' * (level - 2) return devices_node def _generate_node_xml(node, level=0): """ Generates the XML element representing the given XBee node. Params: xbee (:class:`.AbstractXBeeDevice`): XBee node. level (Integer, optional, default=0): Indentation level. Return: :class:`xml.etree.ElementTree.Element`: Generated XML element. """ device_node = Element("device", attrib={"address": str(node.get_64bit_addr())}) device_node.text = "\n" + '\t' * level device_node.tail = "\n" + '\t' * (level - 1) net_addr = SubElement(device_node, "nwk_address") net_addr.text = str(node.get_16bit_addr()) net_addr.tail = "\n" + '\t' * level node_id = SubElement(device_node, "node_id") node_id.text = node.get_node_id() node_id.tail = "\n" + '\t' * level role = SubElement(device_node, "role") role.text = node.get_role().description role.tail = "\n" + '\t' * level if isinstance(node, RemoteZigBeeDevice) and node.parent: parent = SubElement(device_node, "parent_address") parent.text = str(node.parent.get_64bit_addr()) parent.tail = "\n" + '\t' * level hw_version = SubElement(device_node, "hw_version") if node.get_hardware_version(): hw_version.text = "0x%s" % utils.hex_to_string( [node.get_hardware_version().code], pretty=False) hw_version.tail = "\n" + '\t' * level fw_version = SubElement(device_node, "fw_version") if node.get_firmware_version(): fw_version.text = utils.hex_to_string(node.get_firmware_version(), pretty=False) fw_version.tail = "\n" + '\t' * level if not node.is_remote(): device_node.append(_generate_serial_config_xml(node.serial_port, level + 1)) network = node.get_local_xbee_device().get_network() \ if node.is_remote() else node.get_network() device_node.append(_generate_connections_xml( node, network.get_node_connections(node), level + 1)) return device_node def _generate_serial_config_xml(serial_port, level=0): """ Generates the XML element representing the given serial port. Params: serial_port (:class:`serial.serialutil.SerialBase`): Serial port. level (Integer, optional, default=0): Indentation level. Return: :class:`xml.etree.ElementTree.Element`: Generated XML element. """ serial_cfg_node = Element("serial_config") serial_cfg_node.text = "\n" + '\t' * level serial_cfg_node.tail = "\n" + '\t' * (level - 1) port = SubElement(serial_cfg_node, "port") port.text = serial_port.port port.tail = "\n" + '\t' * level baud_rate = SubElement(serial_cfg_node, "baud_rate") baud_rate.text = str(serial_port.baudrate) baud_rate.tail = "\n" + '\t' * level data_bits = SubElement(serial_cfg_node, "data_bits") data_bits.text = str(serial_port.bytesize) data_bits.tail = "\n" + '\t' * level stop_bits = SubElement(serial_cfg_node, "stop_bits") stop_bits.text = str(serial_port.stopbits) stop_bits.tail = "\n" + '\t' * level parity = SubElement(serial_cfg_node, "parity") parity.text = str( FirmwareParity.get_by_parity(serial_port.parity).index) parity.tail = "\n" + '\t' * level flow_control = SubElement(serial_cfg_node, "flow_control") # Values used in XCTU and XNA if serial_port.rtscts: flow_control.text = "3" elif serial_port.xonxoff: flow_control.text = "12" else: flow_control.text = "0" flow_control.tail = "\n" + '\t' * (level - 1) return serial_cfg_node def _generate_connections_xml(node, connections, level=0): """ Generates the XML node representing the given connections. Params: xbee (:class:`.AbstractXBeeDevice`): XBee node. connections (List): List of :class:`.Connection`. level (Integer, optional, default=0): Indentation level. Return: :class:`xml.etree.ElementTree.Element`: Generated XML element. """ connections_node = Element("connections") connections_node.text = "\n" + '\t' * (level if connections else level - 1) connections_node.tail = "\n" + '\t' * (level - 2) for conn in connections: end_device = conn.node_b if node == conn.node_a else conn.node_a conn_node = SubElement(connections_node, "connection", attrib={"address": str(end_device.get_64bit_addr())}) conn_node.text = "\n" + '\t' * (level + 1) conn_node.tail = "\n" + '\t' * level conn_lq = SubElement(conn_node, "strength") conn_lq.text = str(conn.lq_a2b if node == conn.node_a else conn.lq_b2a) conn_lq.tail = "\n" + '\t' * (level + 1) conn_status = SubElement(conn_node, "status") conn_status.text = str( if node == conn.node_a else conn_status.tail = "\n" + '\t' * level last_conn = connections_node.find("./connection[last()]") if last_conn: last_conn.tail = "\n" + '\t' * (level - 1) return connections_node