Source code for digi.xbee.packets.devicecloud

# Copyright 2017-2021, Digi International Inc.
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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from digi.xbee.packets.base import XBeeAPIPacket, DictKeys
from digi.xbee.util import utils
from digi.xbee.exception import InvalidOperatingModeException, InvalidPacketException
from digi.xbee.packets.aft import ApiFrameType
from digi.xbee.models.mode import OperatingMode
from digi.xbee.models.status import DeviceCloudStatus, FrameError
from digi.xbee.models.options import SendDataRequestOptions

[docs]class DeviceRequestPacket(XBeeAPIPacket): """ This class represents a device request packet. Packet is built using the parameters of the constructor or providing a valid API payload. This frame type is sent out the serial port when the XBee module receives a valid device request from Device Cloud. .. seealso:: | :class:`.DeviceResponsePacket` | :class:`.XBeeAPIPacket` """ __MIN_PACKET_LENGTH = 9 def __init__(self, request_id, target=None, request_data=None, op_mode=OperatingMode.API_MODE): """ Class constructor. Instantiates a new :class:`.DeviceRequestPacket` object with the provided parameters. Args: request_id (Integer): number that identifies the device request. (0 has no special meaning) target (String): device request target. request_data (Bytearray, optional): data of the request. op_mode (:class:`.OperatingMode`, optional, default=`OperatingMode.API_MODE`): The mode in which the frame was captured. Raises: ValueError: if `request_id` is less than 0 or greater than 255. ValueError: if length of `target` is greater than 255. .. seealso:: | :class:`.XBeeAPIPacket` """ if request_id < 0 or request_id > 255: raise ValueError("Device request ID must be between 0 and 255.") if target is not None and len(target) > 255: raise ValueError("Target length cannot exceed 255 bytes.") super().__init__(ApiFrameType.DEVICE_REQUEST, op_mode=op_mode) self.__req_id = request_id self.__transport = 0x00 # Reserved. self.__flags = 0x00 # Reserved. self.__target = target self.__req_data = request_data
[docs] @staticmethod def create_packet(raw, operating_mode): """ Override method. Returns: :class:`.DeviceRequestPacket` Raises: InvalidPacketException: if the bytearray length is less than 9. (start delim. + length (2 bytes) + frame type + request id + transport + flags + target length + checksum = 9 bytes). InvalidPacketException: if the length field of 'raw' is different from its real length. (length field: bytes 2 and 3) InvalidPacketException: if the first byte of 'raw' is not the header byte. See :class:`.SpecialByte`. InvalidPacketException: if the calculated checksum is different from the checksum field value (last byte). InvalidPacketException: if the frame type is different from :attr:`.ApiFrameType.DEVICE_REQUEST`. InvalidOperatingModeException: if `operating_mode` is not supported. .. seealso:: | :meth:`.XBeePacket.create_packet` | :meth:`.XBeeAPIPacket._check_api_packet` """ if operating_mode not in (OperatingMode.ESCAPED_API_MODE, OperatingMode.API_MODE): raise InvalidOperatingModeException(op_mode=operating_mode) XBeeAPIPacket._check_api_packet(raw, min_length=DeviceRequestPacket.__MIN_PACKET_LENGTH) if raw[3] != ApiFrameType.DEVICE_REQUEST.code: raise InvalidPacketException(message="This packet is not a device request packet.") target_length = raw[7] return DeviceRequestPacket( raw[4], target=raw[8:8 + target_length].decode("utf8"), request_data=raw[8 + target_length:-1] if len(raw) > DeviceRequestPacket.__MIN_PACKET_LENGTH else None, op_mode=operating_mode)
[docs] def needs_id(self): """ Override method. .. seealso:: | :meth:`.XBeeAPIPacket.needs_id` """ return False
def _get_api_packet_spec_data(self): """ Override method. .. seealso:: | :meth:`.XBeeAPIPacket._get_api_packet_spec_data` """ ret = utils.int_to_bytes(self.__req_id, num_bytes=1) ret += utils.int_to_bytes(self.__transport, num_bytes=1) ret += utils.int_to_bytes(self.__flags, num_bytes=1) if self.__target is not None: ret += utils.int_to_bytes(len(self.__target), num_bytes=1) ret += bytearray(self.__target, encoding="utf8") else: ret += utils.int_to_bytes(0x00, num_bytes=1) if self.__req_data is not None: ret += self.__req_data return ret def _get_api_packet_spec_data_dict(self): """ Override method. See: :meth:`.XBeeAPIPacket._get_api_packet_spec_data_dict` """ return {DictKeys.REQUEST_ID: self.__req_id, DictKeys.TRANSPORT: self.__transport, DictKeys.FLAGS: self.__flags, DictKeys.TARGET: self.__target, DictKeys.RF_DATA: list(self.__req_data) if self.__req_data is not None else None} @property def request_id(self): """ Returns the request ID of the packet. Returns: Integer: the request ID of the packet. """ return self.__req_id @request_id.setter def request_id(self, request_id): """ Sets the request ID of the packet. Args: request_id (Integer): the new request ID of the packet. Must be between 0 and 255. Raises: ValueError: if `request_id` is less than 0 or greater than 255. """ if request_id < 0 or request_id > 255: raise ValueError("Device request ID must be between 0 and 255.") self.__req_id = request_id @property def transport(self): """ Returns the transport of the packet. Returns: Integer: the transport of the packet. """ return self.__transport @property def flags(self): """ Returns the flags of the packet. Returns: Integer: the flags of the packet. """ return self.__flags @property def target(self): """ Returns the device request target of the packet. Returns: String: the device request target of the packet. """ return self.__target @target.setter def target(self, target): """ Sets the device request target of the packet. Args: target (String): the new device request target of the packet. Raises: ValueError: if `target` length is greater than 255. """ if target is not None and len(target) > 255: raise ValueError("Target length cannot exceed 255 bytes.") self.__target = target @property def request_data(self): """ Returns the data of the device request. Returns: Bytearray: the data of the device request. """ if self.__req_data is None: return None return self.__req_data.copy() @request_data.setter def request_data(self, request_data): """ Sets the data of the device request. Args: request_data (Bytearray): the new data of the device request. """ if request_data is None: self.__req_data = None else: self.__req_data = request_data.copy()
[docs]class DeviceResponsePacket(XBeeAPIPacket): """ This class represents a device response packet. Packet is built using the parameters of the constructor or providing a valid API payload. This frame type is sent to the serial port by the host in response to the :class:`.DeviceRequestPacket`. It should be sent within five seconds to avoid a timeout error. .. seealso:: | :class:`.DeviceRequestPacket` | :class:`.XBeeAPIPacket` """ __MIN_PACKET_LENGTH = 8 def __init__(self, frame_id, request_id, response_data=None, op_mode=OperatingMode.API_MODE): """ Class constructor. Instantiates a new :class:`.DeviceResponsePacket` object with the provided parameters. Args: frame_id (Integer): the frame ID of the packet. request_id (Integer): device Request ID. This number should match the device request ID in the device request. Otherwise, an error will occur. (0 has no special meaning) response_data (Bytearray, optional): data of the response. op_mode (:class:`.OperatingMode`, optional, default=`OperatingMode.API_MODE`): The mode in which the frame was captured. Raises: ValueError: if `frame_id` is less than 0 or greater than 255. ValueError: if `request_id` is less than 0 or greater than 255. .. seealso:: | :class:`.XBeeAPIPacket` """ if frame_id < 0 or frame_id > 255: raise ValueError("Frame id must be between 0 and 255.") if request_id < 0 or request_id > 255: raise ValueError("Device request ID must be between 0 and 255.") super().__init__(ApiFrameType.DEVICE_RESPONSE, op_mode=op_mode) self._frame_id = frame_id self.__req_id = request_id self.__resp_data = response_data
[docs] @staticmethod def create_packet(raw, operating_mode): """ Override method. Returns: :class:`.DeviceResponsePacket` Raises: InvalidPacketException: if the bytearray length is less than 8. (start delim. + length (2 bytes) + frame type + frame id + request id + reserved + checksum = 8 bytes). InvalidPacketException: if the length field of 'raw' is different from its real length. (length field: bytes 2 and 3) InvalidPacketException: if the first byte of 'raw' is not the header byte. See :class:`.SpecialByte`. InvalidPacketException: if the calculated checksum is different from the checksum field value (last byte). InvalidPacketException: if the frame type is different from :attr:`.ApiFrameType.DEVICE_RESPONSE`. InvalidOperatingModeException: if `operating_mode` is not supported. .. seealso:: | :meth:`.XBeePacket.create_packet` | :meth:`.XBeeAPIPacket._check_api_packet` """ if operating_mode not in (OperatingMode.ESCAPED_API_MODE, OperatingMode.API_MODE): raise InvalidOperatingModeException(op_mode=operating_mode) XBeeAPIPacket._check_api_packet(raw, min_length=DeviceResponsePacket.__MIN_PACKET_LENGTH) if raw[3] != ApiFrameType.DEVICE_RESPONSE.code: raise InvalidPacketException(message="This packet is not a device response packet.") return DeviceResponsePacket( raw[4], raw[5], response_data=raw[7:-1] if len(raw) > DeviceResponsePacket.__MIN_PACKET_LENGTH else None, op_mode=operating_mode)
[docs] def needs_id(self): """ Override method. .. seealso:: | :meth:`.XBeeAPIPacket.needs_id` """ return True
def _get_api_packet_spec_data(self): """ Override method. .. seealso:: | :meth:`.XBeeAPIPacket._get_api_packet_spec_data` """ ret = utils.int_to_bytes(self.__req_id, num_bytes=1) ret += utils.int_to_bytes(0x00, num_bytes=1) if self.__resp_data is not None: ret += self.__resp_data return ret def _get_api_packet_spec_data_dict(self): """ Override method. .. seealso:: | :meth:`.XBeeAPIPacket._get_api_packet_spec_data_dict` """ return {DictKeys.REQUEST_ID: self.__req_id, DictKeys.RESERVED: 0x00, DictKeys.RF_DATA: list(self.__resp_data) if self.__resp_data is not None else None} @property def request_id(self): """ Returns the request ID of the packet. Returns: Integer: the request ID of the packet. """ return self.__req_id @request_id.setter def request_id(self, request_id): """ Sets the request ID of the packet. Args: request_id (Integer): the new request ID of the packet. Must be between 0 and 255. Raises: ValueError: if `request_id` is less than 0 or greater than 255. """ if request_id < 0 or request_id > 255: raise ValueError("Device request ID must be between 0 and 255.") self.__req_id = request_id @property def request_data(self): """ Returns the data of the device response. Returns: Bytearray: the data of the device response. """ if self.__resp_data is None: return None return self.__resp_data.copy() @request_data.setter def request_data(self, response_data): """ Sets the data of the device response. Args: response_data (Bytearray): the new data of the device response. """ if response_data is None: self.__resp_data = None else: self.__resp_data = response_data.copy()
[docs]class DeviceResponseStatusPacket(XBeeAPIPacket): """ This class represents a device response status packet. Packet is built using the parameters of the constructor or providing a valid API payload. This frame type is sent to the serial port after the serial port sends a :class:`.DeviceResponsePacket`. .. seealso:: | :class:`.DeviceResponsePacket` | :class:`.XBeeAPIPacket` """ __MIN_PACKET_LENGTH = 7 def __init__(self, frame_id, status, op_mode=OperatingMode.API_MODE): """ Class constructor. Instantiates a new :class:`.DeviceResponseStatusPacket` object with the provided parameters. Args: frame_id (Integer): the frame ID of the packet. status (:class:`.DeviceCloudStatus`): device response status. Raises: ValueError: if `frame_id` is less than 0 or greater than 255. .. seealso:: | :class:`.DeviceCloudStatus` | :class:`.XBeeAPIPacket` """ if frame_id < 0 or frame_id > 255: raise ValueError("Frame id must be between 0 and 255.") super().__init__(ApiFrameType.DEVICE_RESPONSE_STATUS, op_mode=op_mode) self._frame_id = frame_id self.__status = status
[docs] @staticmethod def create_packet(raw, operating_mode): """ Override method. Returns: :class:`.DeviceResponseStatusPacket` Raises: InvalidPacketException: if the bytearray length is less than 7. (start delim. + length (2 bytes) + frame type + frame id + device response status + checksum = 7 bytes). InvalidPacketException: if the length field of 'raw' is different from its real length. (length field: bytes 2 and 3) InvalidPacketException: if the first byte of 'raw' is not the header byte. See :class:`.SpecialByte`. InvalidPacketException: if the calculated checksum is different from the checksum field value (last byte). InvalidPacketException: if the frame type is different from :attr:`.ApiFrameType.DEVICE_RESPONSE_STATUS`. InvalidOperatingModeException: if `operating_mode` is not supported. .. seealso:: | :meth:`.XBeePacket.create_packet` | :meth:`.XBeeAPIPacket._check_api_packet` """ if operating_mode not in (OperatingMode.ESCAPED_API_MODE, OperatingMode.API_MODE): raise InvalidOperatingModeException(op_mode=operating_mode) XBeeAPIPacket._check_api_packet( raw, min_length=DeviceResponseStatusPacket.__MIN_PACKET_LENGTH) if raw[3] != ApiFrameType.DEVICE_RESPONSE_STATUS.code: raise InvalidPacketException( message="This packet is not a device response status packet.") return DeviceResponseStatusPacket( raw[4], DeviceCloudStatus.get(raw[5]), op_mode=operating_mode)
[docs] def needs_id(self): """ Override method. .. seealso:: | :meth:`.XBeeAPIPacket.needs_id` """ return True
def _get_api_packet_spec_data(self): """ Override method. .. seealso:: | :meth:`.XBeeAPIPacket._get_api_packet_spec_data` """ return utils.int_to_bytes(self.__status.code, num_bytes=1) def _get_api_packet_spec_data_dict(self): """ Override method. See: :meth:`.XBeeAPIPacket._get_api_packet_spec_data_dict` """ return {DictKeys.DC_STATUS: self.__status} @property def status(self): """ Returns the status of the device response packet. Returns: :class:`.DeviceCloudStatus`: the status of the device response packet. .. seealso:: | :class:`.DeviceCloudStatus` """ return self.__status @status.setter def status(self, status): """ Sets the status of the device response packet. Args: status (:class:`.DeviceCloudStatus`): the new status of the device response packet. .. seealso:: | :class:`.DeviceCloudStatus` """ self.__status = status
[docs]class FrameErrorPacket(XBeeAPIPacket): """ This class represents a frame error packet. Packet is built using the parameters of the constructor or providing a valid API payload. This frame type is sent to the serial port for any type of frame error. .. seealso:: | :class:`.FrameError` | :class:`.XBeeAPIPacket` """ __MIN_PACKET_LENGTH = 6 def __init__(self, frame_error, op_mode=OperatingMode.API_MODE): """ Class constructor. Instantiates a new :class:`.FrameErrorPacket` object with the provided parameters. Args: frame_error (:class:`.FrameError`): the frame error. op_mode (:class:`.OperatingMode`, optional, default=`OperatingMode.API_MODE`): The mode in which the frame was captured. .. seealso:: | :class:`.FrameError` | :class:`.XBeeAPIPacket` """ super().__init__(ApiFrameType.FRAME_ERROR, op_mode=op_mode) self.__frame_error = frame_error
[docs] @staticmethod def create_packet(raw, operating_mode): """ Override method. Returns: :class:`.FrameErrorPacket` Raises: InvalidPacketException: if the bytearray length is less than 6. (start delim. + length (2 bytes) + frame type + frame error + checksum = 6 bytes). InvalidPacketException: if the length field of 'raw' is different from its real length. (length field: bytes 2 and 3) InvalidPacketException: if the first byte of 'raw' is not the header byte. See :class:`.SpecialByte`. InvalidPacketException: if the calculated checksum is different from the checksum field value (last byte). InvalidPacketException: if the frame type is different from :attr:`.ApiFrameType.FRAME_ERROR`. InvalidOperatingModeException: if `operating_mode` is not supported. .. seealso:: | :meth:`.XBeePacket.create_packet` | :meth:`.XBeeAPIPacket._check_api_packet` """ if operating_mode not in (OperatingMode.ESCAPED_API_MODE, OperatingMode.API_MODE): raise InvalidOperatingModeException(op_mode=operating_mode) XBeeAPIPacket._check_api_packet(raw, min_length=FrameErrorPacket.__MIN_PACKET_LENGTH) if raw[3] != ApiFrameType.FRAME_ERROR.code: raise InvalidPacketException(message="This packet is not a frame error packet.") return FrameErrorPacket(FrameError.get(raw[4]), op_mode=operating_mode)
[docs] def needs_id(self): """ Override method. .. seealso:: | :meth:`.XBeeAPIPacket.needs_id` """ return False
def _get_api_packet_spec_data(self): """ Override method. .. seealso:: | :meth:`.XBeeAPIPacket._get_api_packet_spec_data` """ return utils.int_to_bytes(self.__frame_error.code, num_bytes=1) def _get_api_packet_spec_data_dict(self): """ Override method. .. seealso:: | :meth:`.XBeeAPIPacket._get_api_packet_spec_data_dict` """ return {DictKeys.FRAME_ERROR: self.__frame_error} @property def error(self): """ Returns the frame error of the packet. Returns: :class:`.FrameError`: the frame error of the packet. .. seealso:: | :class:`.FrameError` """ return self.__frame_error @error.setter def error(self, frame_error): """ Sets the frame error of the packet. Args: frame_error (:class:`.FrameError`): the new frame error of the packet. .. seealso:: | :class:`.FrameError` """ self.__frame_error = frame_error
[docs]class SendDataRequestPacket(XBeeAPIPacket): """ This class represents a send data request packet. Packet is built using the parameters of the constructor or providing a valid API payload. This frame type is used to send a file of the given name and type to Device Cloud. If the frame ID is non-zero, a :class:`.SendDataResponsePacket` will be received. .. seealso:: | :class:`.SendDataResponsePacket` | :class:`.XBeeAPIPacket` """ __MIN_PACKET_LENGTH = 10 def __init__(self, frame_id, path, content_type, options, file_data=None, op_mode=OperatingMode.API_MODE): """ Class constructor. Instantiates a new :class:`.SendDataRequestPacket` object with the provided parameters. Args: frame_id (Integer): the frame ID of the packet. path (String): path of the file to upload to Device Cloud. content_type (String): content type of the file to upload. options (:class:`.SendDataRequestOptions`): the action when uploading a file. file_data (Bytearray, optional): data of the file to upload. op_mode (:class:`.OperatingMode`, optional, default=`OperatingMode.API_MODE`): The mode in which the frame was captured. Raises: ValueError: if `frame_id` is less than 0 or greater than 255. .. seealso:: | :class:`.XBeeAPIPacket` """ if frame_id < 0 or frame_id > 255: raise ValueError("Frame id must be between 0 and 255.") super().__init__(ApiFrameType.SEND_DATA_REQUEST, op_mode=op_mode) self._frame_id = frame_id self.__path = path self.__content_type = content_type self.__transport = 0x00 # Always TCP. self.__opts = options self.__file_data = file_data
[docs] @staticmethod def create_packet(raw, operating_mode): """ Override method. Returns: :class:`.SendDataRequestPacket` Raises: InvalidPacketException: if the bytearray length is less than 10. (start delim. + length (2 bytes) + frame type + frame id + path length + content type length + transport + options + checksum = 10 bytes). InvalidPacketException: if the length field of 'raw' is different from its real length. (length field: bytes 2 and 3) InvalidPacketException: if the first byte of 'raw' is not the header byte. See :class:`.SpecialByte`. InvalidPacketException: if the calculated checksum is different from the checksum field value (last byte). InvalidPacketException: if the frame type is different from :attr:`.ApiFrameType.SEND_DATA_REQUEST`. InvalidOperatingModeException: if `operating_mode` is not supported. .. seealso:: | :meth:`.XBeePacket.create_packet` | :meth:`.XBeeAPIPacket._check_api_packet` """ if operating_mode not in (OperatingMode.ESCAPED_API_MODE, OperatingMode.API_MODE): raise InvalidOperatingModeException(op_mode=operating_mode) XBeeAPIPacket._check_api_packet(raw, min_length=SendDataRequestPacket.__MIN_PACKET_LENGTH) if raw[3] != ApiFrameType.SEND_DATA_REQUEST.code: raise InvalidPacketException(message="This packet is not a send data request packet.") path_length = raw[5] content_type_length = raw[6 + path_length] return SendDataRequestPacket( raw[4], raw[6:6 + path_length].decode("utf8"), raw[6 + path_length + 1:6 + path_length + 1 + content_type_length].decode("utf8"), SendDataRequestOptions.get(raw[6 + path_length + 2 + content_type_length]), file_data=raw[6 + path_length + 3 + content_type_length:-1], op_mode=operating_mode)
[docs] def needs_id(self): """ Override method. .. seealso:: | :meth:`.XBeeAPIPacket.needs_id` """ return True
def _get_api_packet_spec_data(self): """ Override method. .. seealso:: | :meth:`.XBeeAPIPacket._get_api_packet_spec_data` """ if self.__path is not None: ret = utils.int_to_bytes(len(self.__path), num_bytes=1) ret += bytearray(self.__path, encoding="utf8") else: ret = utils.int_to_bytes(0x00, num_bytes=1) if self.__content_type is not None: ret += utils.int_to_bytes(len(self.__content_type), num_bytes=1) ret += bytearray(self.__content_type, encoding="utf8") else: ret += utils.int_to_bytes(0x00, num_bytes=1) ret += utils.int_to_bytes(0x00, num_bytes=1) # Transport is always TCP ret += utils.int_to_bytes(self.__opts.code, num_bytes=1) if self.__file_data is not None: ret += self.__file_data return ret def _get_api_packet_spec_data_dict(self): """ Override method. .. seealso:: | :meth:`.XBeeAPIPacket._get_api_packet_spec_data_dict` """ return { DictKeys.PATH_LENGTH: len(self.__path) if self.__path else 0x00, DictKeys.PATH: self.__path if self.__path is not None else None, DictKeys.CONTENT_TYPE_LENGTH: len(self.__content_type) if self.__content_type else 0x00, DictKeys.CONTENT_TYPE: self.__content_type if self.__content_type is not None else None, DictKeys.TRANSPORT: 0x00, DictKeys.TRANSMIT_OPTIONS: self.__opts, DictKeys.RF_DATA: list(self.__file_data) if self.__file_data is not None else None} @property def path(self): """ Returns the path of the file to upload to Device Cloud. Returns: String: the path of the file to upload to Device Cloud. """ return self.__path @path.setter def path(self, path): """ Sets the path of the file to upload to Device Cloud. Args: path (String): the new path of the file to upload to Device Cloud. """ self.__path = path @property def content_type(self): """ Returns the content type of the file to upload. Returns: String: the content type of the file to upload. """ return self.__content_type @content_type.setter def content_type(self, content_type): """ Sets the content type of the file to upload. Args: content_type (String): the new content type of the file to upload. """ self.__content_type = content_type @property def options(self): """ Returns the file upload operation options. Returns: :class:`.SendDataRequestOptions`: the file upload operation options. .. seealso:: | :class:`.SendDataRequestOptions` """ return self.__opts @options.setter def options(self, options): """ Sets the file upload operation options. Args: options (:class:`.SendDataRequestOptions`): the new file upload operation options .. seealso:: | :class:`.SendDataRequestOptions` """ self.__opts = options @property def file_data(self): """ Returns the data of the file to upload. Returns: Bytearray: the data of the file to upload. """ if self.__file_data is None: return None return self.__file_data.copy() @file_data.setter def file_data(self, file_data): """ Sets the data of the file to upload. Args: file_data (Bytearray): the new data of the file to upload. """ if file_data is None: self.__file_data = None else: self.__file_data = file_data.copy()
[docs]class SendDataResponsePacket(XBeeAPIPacket): """ This class represents a send data response packet. Packet is built using the parameters of the constructor or providing a valid API payload. This frame type is sent out the serial port in response to the :class:`.SendDataRequestPacket`, providing its frame ID is non-zero. .. seealso:: | :class:`.SendDataRequestPacket` | :class:`.XBeeAPIPacket` """ __MIN_PACKET_LENGTH = 7 def __init__(self, frame_id, status, op_mode=OperatingMode.API_MODE): """ Class constructor. Instantiates a new :class:`.SendDataResponsePacket` object with the provided parameters. Args: frame_id (Integer): the frame ID of the packet. status (:class:`.DeviceCloudStatus`): the file upload status. op_mode (:class:`.OperatingMode`, optional, default=`OperatingMode.API_MODE`): The mode in which the frame was captured. Raises: ValueError: if `frame_id` is less than 0 or greater than 255. .. seealso:: | :class:`.DeviceCloudStatus` | :class:`.XBeeAPIPacket` """ if frame_id < 0 or frame_id > 255: raise ValueError("Frame id must be between 0 and 255.") super().__init__(ApiFrameType.SEND_DATA_RESPONSE, op_mode=op_mode) self._frame_id = frame_id self.__status = status
[docs] @staticmethod def create_packet(raw, operating_mode): """ Override method. Returns: :class:`.SendDataResponsePacket` Raises: InvalidPacketException: if the bytearray length is less than 10. (start delim. + length (2 bytes) + frame type + frame id + status + checksum = 7 bytes). InvalidPacketException: if the length field of 'raw' is different from its real length. (length field: bytes 2 and 3) InvalidPacketException: if the first byte of 'raw' is not the header byte. See :class:`.SpecialByte`. InvalidPacketException: if the calculated checksum is different from the checksum field value (last byte). InvalidPacketException: if the frame type is different from :attr:`.ApiFrameType.SEND_DATA_RESPONSE`. InvalidOperatingModeException: if `operating_mode` is not supported. .. seealso:: | :meth:`.XBeePacket.create_packet` | :meth:`.XBeeAPIPacket._check_api_packet` """ if operating_mode not in (OperatingMode.ESCAPED_API_MODE, OperatingMode.API_MODE): raise InvalidOperatingModeException(op_mode=operating_mode) XBeeAPIPacket._check_api_packet(raw, min_length=SendDataResponsePacket.__MIN_PACKET_LENGTH) if raw[3] != ApiFrameType.SEND_DATA_RESPONSE.code: raise InvalidPacketException(message="This packet is not a send data response packet.") return SendDataResponsePacket(raw[4], DeviceCloudStatus.get(raw[5]), op_mode=operating_mode)
[docs] def needs_id(self): """ Override method. .. seealso:: | :meth:`.XBeeAPIPacket.needs_id` """ return True
def _get_api_packet_spec_data(self): """ Override method. .. seealso:: | :meth:`.XBeeAPIPacket._get_api_packet_spec_data` """ return utils.int_to_bytes(self.__status.code, num_bytes=1) def _get_api_packet_spec_data_dict(self): """ Override method. .. seealso:: | :meth:`.XBeeAPIPacket._get_api_packet_spec_data_dict` """ return {DictKeys.DC_STATUS: self.__status} @property def status(self): """ Returns the file upload status. Returns: :class:`.DeviceCloudStatus`: the file upload status. .. seealso:: | :class:`.DeviceCloudStatus` """ return self.__status @status.setter def status(self, status): """ Sets the file upload status. Args: status (:class:`.DeviceCloudStatus`): the new file upload status. .. seealso:: | :class:`.DeviceCloudStatus` """ self.__status = status