Source code for digi.xbee.packets.base

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from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from enum import Enum, unique

from digi.xbee.packets.aft import ApiFrameType
from digi.xbee.models.atcomm import SpecialByte
from digi.xbee.models.mode import OperatingMode
from digi.xbee.exception import InvalidPacketException, InvalidOperatingModeException
from digi.xbee.util import utils

[docs]@unique class DictKeys(Enum): """ This enumeration contains all keys used in dictionaries returned by `to_dict()` method of :class:`.XBeePacket`. """ ACK_TIMEOUT_COUNT = "ack_timeout_count" ADDITIONAL_DATA = "additional_data" ANALOG_MASK = "analog_mask" API_DATA = "api_spec_data" AT_CMD_STATUS = "at_command_status" BROADCAST_RADIUS = "broadcast_radius" BLOCK_NUMBER = "block_number" BOOTLOADER_MSG_TYPE = "bootloader_msg_type" BYTES_USED = "bytes_used" BYTES_FREE = "bytes_free" BYTES_BAD = "bytes_bad" CHECKSUM = "checksum" CLIENT_SOCKET_ID = "client_socket_id" CLUSTER_ID = "cluster_id" COMMAND = "at_command" CONTENT_TYPE = "content_type" CONTENT_TYPE_LENGTH = "content_type_length" DATA = "data" DC_STATUS = "device_cloud_status" DEST_ADDR = "dest_address" DEST_ADDR_TYPE = "dest_address_type" DEST_ENDPOINT = "dest_endpoint" DEST_INTERFACE = "dest_interface" DEST_IPV4_ADDR = "dest_ipv4_address" DEST_PORT = "dest_port" DIGITAL_MASK = "digital_mask" DS_STATUS = "ds_status" ENTRY = "entry" FILE_ID = "file_id" FLAGS = "flags" FRAME_ERROR = "frame_error" FRAME_ID = "fr_id" FRAME_SPEC_DATA = "fr_spec_data" FRAME_TYPE = "fr_type" FS_CMD = "fs_command" HASH = "hash" HEADER_BYTE = "header" HOPS = "hops" IP_PROTOCOL = "ip_protocol" KEY = "key" LENGTH = "length" MODEM_STATUS = "modem_status" NAME = "name" NEW_NAME = "new_name" NUM_OF_HOPS = "number_hops" NUM_SAMPLES = "num_samples" OFFSET = "offset" OPTIONS = "options" OPTION_DATA = "option_data" OPTION_ID = "option_id" PARAMETER = "parameter" PATH = "path" PATH_ID = "path_id" PATH_LENGTH = "path_length" PAYLOAD = "payload" PHONE_NUMBER = "phone_number" PROFILE_ID = "profile_id" RECEIVE_OPTIONS = "receive_options" REQUEST_ID = "request_id" REMOTE_ADDR = "remote_address" REMOTE_PORT = "remote_port" RESERVED = "reserved" RESPONDER_ADDR = "responder_address" RF_DATA = "rf_data" ROUTE_CMD_OPTIONS = "route_command_options" RSSI = "rssi" SIZE = "size" SOCKET_ID = "socket_id" SOURCE_ENDPOINT = "source_endpoint" SOURCE_INTERFACE = "source_interface" SRC_64BIT_ADDR = "src_x64_addr" SRC_ADDR = "src_address" SRC_EVENT = "src_event" SRC_IPV4_ADDR = "source_ipv4_address" SRC_PORT = "source_port" STATUS = "status" SUCCESSOR_ADDR = "successor_address" TARGET = "target" TARGET_64BIT_ADDR = "target_x64_addr" TRANSMIT_OPTIONS = "transmit_options" TRANSPORT = "transport" TRANS_R_COUNT = "transmit_retry_count" TIMESTAMP = "timestamp" TS_STATUS = "ts_status" TX_BLOCKED_COUNT = "tx_blocked_count" UPDATER_16BIT_ADDR = "updater_x16_addr" X16BIT_ADDR = "x16_addr" X64BIT_ADDR = "x64_addr"
[docs]class XBeePacket: """ This abstract class represents the basic structure of an XBee packet. Derived classes should implement their own payload generation depending on their type. Generic actions like checksum compute or packet length calculation is performed here. """ __HASH_SEED = 23 __metaclass__ = ABCMeta __ESCAPE_BYTES = [i.value for i in SpecialByte] __ESCAPE_FACTOR = 0x20 ESCAPE_BYTE = SpecialByte.ESCAPE_BYTE.code def __init__(self, op_mode=OperatingMode.API_MODE): """ Class constructor. Instantiates a new :class:`.XBeePacket` object. Args: op_mode (:class:`.OperatingMode`, optional, default=`OperatingMode.API_MODE`): The mode in which the frame was captured. """ self._op_mode = op_mode if op_mode not in (OperatingMode.API_MODE, OperatingMode.ESCAPED_API_MODE): self._op_mode = OperatingMode.API_MODE def __len__(self): """ Returns the length value of the XBeePacket. The length is the number of bytes between the length field and the checksum field. Returns: Integer: length value of the XBeePacket. .. seealso:: | :mod:`.factory` """ return len(self.get_frame_spec_data()) def __str__(self): """ Returns the packet information as dictionary. Returns: Dictionary: the packet information. """ return str(self.to_dict()) def __eq__(self, other): """ Returns whether the given object is equal to this one. Args: other: the object to compare. Returns: Boolean: `True` if the objects are equal, `False` otherwise. """ if not isinstance(other, XBeePacket): return False return other.output() == self.output() def __hash__(self): """ Returns a hash code value for the object. Returns: Integer: hash code value for the object. """ res = self.__HASH_SEED for byte in self.output(): res = 31 * (res + byte) return res @property def op_mode(self): """ Retrieves the operating mode in which this packet was read. Returns: :class:`.OperatingMode`: The operating mode. """ return self._op_mode
[docs] def get_checksum(self): """ Returns the checksum value of this XBeePacket. The checksum is the last 8 bits of the sum of the bytes between the length field and the checksum field. Returns: Integer: checksum value of this XBeePacket. .. seealso:: | :mod:`.factory` """ return 0xFF - (sum(self.get_frame_spec_data()) & 0xFF)
[docs] def output(self, escaped=False): """ Returns the raw bytearray of this XBeePacket, ready to be send by the serial port. Args: escaped (Boolean): indicates if the raw bytearray must be escaped. Returns: Bytearray: raw bytearray of the XBeePacket. """ frame = self.__build_complete_frame_without_header(self.get_frame_spec_data()) if escaped: frame = self._escape_data(frame) frame.insert(0, SpecialByte.HEADER_BYTE.code) return frame
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Returns a dictionary with all information of the XBeePacket fields. Returns: Dictionary: dictionary with all info of the XBeePacket fields. """ return {DictKeys.HEADER_BYTE: SpecialByte.HEADER_BYTE.code, DictKeys.LENGTH: len(self), DictKeys.FRAME_SPEC_DATA: self._get_frame_spec_data_dict(), DictKeys.CHECKSUM: self.get_checksum()}
[docs] @staticmethod def create_packet(raw, operating_mode): """ Abstract method. Creates a full XBeePacket with the given parameters. This function ensures that the XBeePacket returned is valid and is well built (if not exceptions are raised). If _OPERATING_MODE is API2 (API escaped) this method des-escape 'raw' and build the XBeePacket. Then, you can use :meth:`.XBeePacket.output` to get the escaped bytearray or not escaped. Args: raw (Bytearray): bytearray with which the frame will be built. Must be a full frame represented by a bytearray. operating_mode (:class:`.OperatingMode`): The mode in which the frame ('byteArray') was captured. Returns: :class:`.XBeePacket`: the XBee packet created. Raises: InvalidPacketException: if something is wrong with `raw` and the packet cannot be built well. """ raise NotImplementedError("Implement this function.")
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_frame_spec_data(self): """ Returns the data between the length field and the checksum field as bytearray. This data is never escaped. Returns: Bytearray: the data between the length field and the checksum field as bytearray. .. seealso:: | :mod:`.factory` """
@abstractmethod def _get_frame_spec_data_dict(self): """ Similar to :meth:`.XBeePacket.get_frame_spec_data` but returns the data as dictionary. Returns: Dictionary: the data between the length field and the checksum field as dictionary. """ @staticmethod def _escape_data(data): """ Escapes the bytearray 'data'. Args: data (Bytearray): the bytearray to escape. Returns: Bytearray: 'data' escaped. """ esc_data = bytearray() for i in data: if i in XBeePacket.__ESCAPE_BYTES: esc_data.append(SpecialByte.ESCAPE_BYTE.code) esc_data.append(i ^ XBeePacket.__ESCAPE_FACTOR) else: esc_data.append(i) return esc_data
[docs] @staticmethod def unescape_data(data): """ Un-escapes the provided bytearray data. Args: data (Bytearray): the bytearray to unescape. Returns: Bytearray: `data` unescaped. """ new_data = bytearray(0) des_escape = False for byte in data: if byte == XBeePacket.ESCAPE_BYTE: des_escape = True else: new_data.append(byte ^ 0x20 if des_escape else byte) des_escape = False return new_data
def __build_complete_frame_without_header(self, frame_spec_data): """ Builds a complete non-escaped frame from the given frame specific data. Complete frame is: Start delimiter + length + frame specific data + checksum. Args: frame_spec_data (Bytearray): the frame specific data. Returns: Bytearray: the complete frame as bytearray. """ frame = utils.int_to_length(len(frame_spec_data)) + frame_spec_data frame.append(self.get_checksum()) return frame
[docs]class XBeeAPIPacket(XBeePacket): """ This abstract class provides the basic structure of a API frame. Derived classes should implement their own methods to generate the API data and frame ID in case they support it. Basic operations such as frame type retrieval are performed in this class. .. seealso:: | :class:`.XBeePacket` """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta def __init__(self, api_frame_type, op_mode=OperatingMode.API_MODE): """ Class constructor. Instantiates a new :class:`.XBeeAPIPacket` object with the provided parameters. Args: api_frame_type (:class:`.ApiFrameType` or Integer): The API frame type. op_mode (:class:`.OperatingMode`, optional, default=`OperatingMode.API_MODE`): The mode in which the frame was captured. .. seealso:: | :class:`.ApiFrameType` | :class:`.XBeePacket` """ super().__init__(op_mode=op_mode) # Check the type of the API frame type. if isinstance(api_frame_type, ApiFrameType): self._frame_type = api_frame_type self._frame_type_value = api_frame_type.code else: self._frame_type = ApiFrameType.get(api_frame_type) self._frame_type_value = api_frame_type self._frame_id = 0
[docs] def get_frame_spec_data(self): """ Override method. .. seealso:: | :meth:`.XBeePacket.get_frame_spec_data` """ data = self._get_api_packet_spec_data() if self.needs_id(): data.insert(0, self._frame_id) data.insert(0, self._frame_type_value) return data
[docs] def get_frame_type(self): """ Returns the frame type of this packet. Returns: :class:`.ApiFrameType`: the frame type of this packet. .. seealso:: | :class:`.ApiFrameType` """ return self._frame_type
[docs] def get_frame_type_value(self): """ Returns the frame type integer value of this packet. Returns: Integer: the frame type integer value of this packet. .. seealso:: | :class:`.ApiFrameType` """ return self._frame_type_value
def _get_frame_spec_data_dict(self): """ Override method. .. seealso:: | :meth:`.XBeePacket.get_frame_spec_data_dict` """ return {DictKeys.FRAME_TYPE: self.get_frame_type(), DictKeys.FRAME_ID: self._frame_id if self.needs_id() else "NO ID", DictKeys.API_DATA: self._get_api_packet_spec_data_dict()}
[docs] def is_broadcast(self): """ Returns whether this packet is broadcast or not. Returns: Boolean: `True` if this packet is broadcast, `False` otherwise. """ return False
@property def effective_len(self): """ Returns the effective length of the packet. Returns: Integer: Effective length of the packet. """ return len(self) @property def frame_id(self): """ Returns the frame ID of the packet. Returns: Integer: the frame ID of the packet. """ return self._frame_id @frame_id.setter def frame_id(self, frame_id): """ Sets the frame ID of the packet. Args: frame_id (Integer): the new frame ID of the packet. Must be between 0 and 255. Raises: ValueError: if `frame_id` is less than 0 or greater than 255. """ if frame_id < 0 or frame_id > 255: raise ValueError("Frame ID must be between 0 and 255.") self._frame_id = frame_id @staticmethod def _check_api_packet(raw, min_length=5): """ Checks the not escaped bytearray 'raw' meets conditions. Args: raw (Bytearray): non-escaped bytearray to be checked. min_length (Integer): the minimum length of the packet in bytes. Raises: InvalidPacketException: if the bytearray length is less than 5. (start delim. + length (2 bytes) + frame type + checksum = 5 bytes). InvalidPacketException: if the length field of 'raw' is different from its real length. (length field: bytes 2 and 3) InvalidPacketException: if the first byte of 'raw' is not the header byte. See :class:`.SpecialByte`. InvalidPacketException: if the calculated checksum is different from the checksum field value (last byte). .. seealso:: | :mod:`.factory` """ if len(raw) < min_length: raise InvalidPacketException( message="Bytearray must have, at least, 5 of complete length " "(header, length, frameType, checksum)") if raw[0] & 0xFF != SpecialByte.HEADER_BYTE.code: raise InvalidPacketException( message="Bytearray must start with the header byte " "(SpecialByte.HEADER_BYTE.code)") # real frame specific data length real_length = len(raw[3:-1]) # length is specified in the length field. length_field = utils.length_to_int(raw[1:3]) if real_length != length_field: raise InvalidPacketException( message="The real length of this frame does not match the " "specified in length field (bytes 2 and 3) (real %d, " "length field %d)" % (real_length, length_field)) checksum = 0xFF - (sum(raw[3:-1]) & 0xFF) if checksum != raw[-1]: raise InvalidPacketException( message="Wrong checksum (expected %02X, received %02X)" % (checksum, raw[-1])) @abstractmethod def _get_api_packet_spec_data(self): """ Returns the frame specific data without frame type and frame ID fields. Returns: Bytearray: the frame specific data without frame type and frame ID fields. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def needs_id(self): """ Returns whether the packet requires frame ID or not. Returns: Boolean: `True` if the packet needs frame ID, `False` otherwise. """
@abstractmethod def _get_api_packet_spec_data_dict(self): """ Similar to :meth:`XBeeAPIPacket._get_api_packet_spec_data` but returns data as dictionary or list. Returns: Dictionary: data as dictionary or list. """
[docs]class GenericXBeePacket(XBeeAPIPacket): """ This class represents a basic and Generic XBee packet. .. seealso:: | :class:`.XBeeAPIPacket` """ __MIN_PACKET_LENGTH = 5 def __init__(self, data, op_mode=OperatingMode.API_MODE): """ Class constructor. Instantiates a :class:`.GenericXBeePacket` object with the provided parameters. Args: data (bytearray): the frame specific data without frame type and frame ID. op_mode (:class:`.OperatingMode`, optional, default=`OperatingMode.API_MODE`): The mode in which the frame was captured. .. seealso:: | :mod:`.factory` | :class:`.XBeeAPIPacket` """ super().__init__(api_frame_type=ApiFrameType.GENERIC, op_mode=op_mode) self.__data = data
[docs] @staticmethod def create_packet(raw, operating_mode=OperatingMode.API_MODE): """ Override method. Returns: :class:`.GenericXBeePacket`: the GenericXBeePacket generated. Raises: InvalidPacketException: if the bytearray length is less than 5. (start delim. + length (2 bytes) + frame type + checksum = 5 bytes). InvalidPacketException: if the length field of 'raw' is different from its real length. (length field: bytes 2 and 3) InvalidPacketException: if the first byte of 'raw' is not the header byte. See :class:`.SpecialByte`. InvalidPacketException: if the calculated checksum is different from the checksum field value (last byte). InvalidPacketException: if the frame type is different from :attr:`.ApiFrameType.GENERIC`. InvalidOperatingModeException: if `operating_mode` is not supported. .. seealso:: | :meth:`.XBeePacket.create_packet` | :meth:`.XBeeAPIPacket._check_api_packet` """ if operating_mode not in (OperatingMode.ESCAPED_API_MODE, OperatingMode.API_MODE): raise InvalidOperatingModeException(op_mode=operating_mode) XBeeAPIPacket._check_api_packet(raw, min_length=GenericXBeePacket.__MIN_PACKET_LENGTH) if raw[3] != ApiFrameType.GENERIC.code: raise InvalidPacketException( message="Wrong frame type, expected: %s. Value %d" % (ApiFrameType.GENERIC.description, ApiFrameType.GENERIC.code)) return GenericXBeePacket(raw[4:-1], op_mode=operating_mode)
def _get_api_packet_spec_data(self): """ Override method. .. seealso:: | :meth:`.XBeeAPIPacket._get_api_packet_spec_data` """ return bytearray(self.__data)
[docs] def needs_id(self): """ Override method. .. seealso:: | :meth:`.XBeeAPIPacket.needs_id` """ return False
def _get_api_packet_spec_data_dict(self): """ Override method. .. seealso:: | :meth:`.XBeeAPIPacket._get_api_packet_spec_data_dict` """ return {DictKeys.RF_DATA: self.__data}
[docs]class UnknownXBeePacket(XBeeAPIPacket): """ This class represents an unknown XBee packet. .. seealso:: | :class:`.XBeeAPIPacket` """ __MIN_PACKET_LENGTH = 5 def __init__(self, api_frame, data, op_mode=OperatingMode.API_MODE): """ Class constructor. Instantiates a :class:`.UnknownXBeePacket` object with the provided parameters. Args: api_frame (Integer): the API frame integer value of this packet. data (bytearray): the frame specific data without frame type and frame ID. op_mode (:class:`.OperatingMode`, optional, default=`OperatingMode.API_MODE`): The mode in which the frame was captured. .. seealso:: | :mod:`.factory` | :class:`.XBeeAPIPacket` """ super().__init__(api_frame_type=api_frame, op_mode=op_mode) self.__data = data
[docs] @staticmethod def create_packet(raw, operating_mode=OperatingMode.API_MODE): """ Override method. Returns: :class:`.UnknownXBeePacket`: the UnknownXBeePacket generated. Raises: InvalidPacketException: if the bytearray length is less than 5. (start delim. + length (2 bytes) + frame type + checksum = 5 bytes). InvalidPacketException: if the length field of 'raw' is different its real length. (length field: bytes 2 and 3) InvalidPacketException: if the first byte of 'raw' is not the header byte. See :class:`.SpecialByte`. InvalidPacketException: if the calculated checksum is different from the checksum field value (last byte). InvalidOperatingModeException: if `operating_mode` is not supported. .. seealso:: | :meth:`.XBeePacket.create_packet` | :meth:`.XBeeAPIPacket._check_api_packet` """ if operating_mode not in (OperatingMode.ESCAPED_API_MODE, OperatingMode.API_MODE): raise InvalidOperatingModeException(op_mode=operating_mode) XBeeAPIPacket._check_api_packet(raw, min_length=UnknownXBeePacket.__MIN_PACKET_LENGTH) return UnknownXBeePacket(raw[3], raw[4:-1], op_mode=operating_mode)
def _get_api_packet_spec_data(self): """ Override method. .. seealso:: | :meth:`.XBeeAPIPacket._get_api_packet_spec_data` """ return bytearray(self.__data)
[docs] def needs_id(self): """ Override method. .. seealso:: | :meth:`.XBeeAPIPacket.needs_id` """ return False
def _get_api_packet_spec_data_dict(self): """ Override method. .. seealso:: | :meth:`.XBeeAPIPacket._get_api_packet_spec_data_dict` """ return {DictKeys.RF_DATA: self.__data}