digi.xbee.packets.zigbee module

class digi.xbee.packets.zigbee.RegisterJoiningDevicePacket(frame_id, registrant_address, options, key, op_mode=<OperatingMode.API_MODE: (1, 'API mode')>)[source]

Bases: digi.xbee.packets.base.XBeeAPIPacket

This class represents a Register Joining Device packet. Packet is built using the parameters of the constructor or providing a valid API payload.

Use this frame to securely register a joining device to a trust center. Registration is the process by which a node is authorized to join the network using a preconfigured link key or installation code that is conveyed to the trust center out-of-band (using a physical interface and not over-the-air).

If registering a device with a centralized trust center (EO = 2), then the key entry will only persist for KT seconds before expiring.

Registering devices in a distributed trust center (EO = 0) is persistent and the key entry will never expire unless explicitly removed.

To remove a key entry on a distributed trust center, this frame should be issued with a null (None) key. In a centralized trust center you cannot use this method to explicitly remove the key entries.

See also

Class constructor. Instantiates a new RegisterJoiningDevicePacket object with the provided parameters.

  • frame_id (integer) – the frame ID of the packet.
  • registrant_address (XBee64BitAddress) – the 64-bit address of the destination device.
  • options (RegisterKeyOptions) – the register options indicating the key source.
  • key (Bytearray) – key of the device to register. Up to 16 bytes if entering a Link Key or up to 18 bytes (16-byte code + 2 byte CRC) if entering an Install Code.
  • op_mode (OperatingMode, optional, default=`OperatingMode.API_MODE`) – The mode in which the frame was captured.

ValueError – if frame_id is less than 0 or greater than 255.

static create_packet(raw, operating_mode)[source]

Override method.



  • InvalidPacketException – if the bytearray length is less than 17. (start delim. + length (2 bytes) + frame type + frame id + 64-bit registrant addr. (8 bytes) + 16-bit registrant addr. (2 bytes) + options + checksum = 17 bytes).
  • InvalidPacketException – if the length field of ‘raw’ is different from its real length. (length field: bytes 2 and 3)
  • InvalidPacketException – if the first byte of ‘raw’ is not the header byte. See SpecialByte.
  • InvalidPacketException – if the calculated checksum is different from the checksum field value (last byte).
  • InvalidPacketException – if the frame type is not ApiFrameType.REGISTER_JOINING_DEVICE.
  • InvalidOperatingModeException – if operating_mode is not supported.

See also


Override method.


Returns the 64-bit registrant address.

Returns:the 64-bit registrant address.
Return type:XBee64BitAddress

See also


Returns the register options value.

Returns:the register options indicating the key source.
Return type:RegisterKeyOptions

Returns the register key.

Returns:the register key.
Return type:Bytearray

Returns the frame ID of the packet.

Returns:the frame ID of the packet.
Return type:Integer

Returns the checksum value of this XBeePacket. The checksum is the last 8 bits of the sum of the bytes between the length field and the checksum field.

Returns:checksum value of this XBeePacket.
Return type:Integer

See also


Override method.


Returns the frame type of this packet.

Returns:the frame type of this packet.
Return type:ApiFrameType

See also


Returns the frame type integer value of this packet.

Returns:the frame type integer value of this packet.
Return type:Integer

See also


Returns whether this packet is broadcast or not.

Returns:True if this packet is broadcast, False otherwise.
Return type:Boolean

Retrieves the operating mode in which this packet was read.

Returns:The operating mode.
Return type:OperatingMode

Returns the raw bytearray of this XBeePacket, ready to be send by the serial port.

Parameters:escaped (Boolean) – indicates if the raw bytearray must be escaped.
Returns:raw bytearray of the XBeePacket.
Return type:Bytearray

Returns a dictionary with all information of the XBeePacket fields.

Returns:dictionary with all info of the XBeePacket fields.
Return type:Dictionary
static unescape_data(data)

Un-escapes the provided bytearray data.

Parameters:data (Bytearray) – the bytearray to unescape.
Returns:data unescaped.
Return type:Bytearray
class digi.xbee.packets.zigbee.RegisterDeviceStatusPacket(frame_id, status, op_mode=<OperatingMode.API_MODE: (1, 'API mode')>)[source]

Bases: digi.xbee.packets.base.XBeeAPIPacket

This class represents a Register Device Status packet. Packet is built using the parameters of the constructor or providing a valid API payload.

This frame is sent out of the UART of the trust center as a response to a 0x24 Register Device frame, indicating whether the registration was successful or not.

Class constructor. Instantiates a new RegisterDeviceStatusPacket object with the provided parameters.

  • frame_id (integer) – the frame ID of the packet.
  • status (ZigbeeRegisterStatus) – status of the register device operation.
  • op_mode (OperatingMode, optional, default=`OperatingMode.API_MODE`) – The mode in which the frame was captured.

ValueError – if frame_id is less than 0 or greater than 255.

static create_packet(raw, operating_mode)[source]

Override method.



  • InvalidPacketException – if the bytearray length is less than 17. (start delim. + length (2 bytes) + frame type + frame id + status + checksum = 7 bytes).
  • InvalidPacketException – if the length field of ‘raw’ is different from its real length. (length field: bytes 1 and 3)
  • InvalidPacketException – if the first byte of ‘raw’ is not the header byte. See SpecialByte.
  • InvalidPacketException – if the calculated checksum is different from the checksum field value (last byte).
  • InvalidPacketException – if the frame type is not ApiFrameType.REGISTER_JOINING_DEVICE_STATUS.
  • InvalidOperatingModeException – if operating_mode is not supported.

See also


Override method.


Returns the register device status.

Returns:the register device status.
Return type:ZigbeeRegisterStatus

Returns the frame ID of the packet.

Returns:the frame ID of the packet.
Return type:Integer

Returns the checksum value of this XBeePacket. The checksum is the last 8 bits of the sum of the bytes between the length field and the checksum field.

Returns:checksum value of this XBeePacket.
Return type:Integer

See also


Override method.


Returns the frame type of this packet.

Returns:the frame type of this packet.
Return type:ApiFrameType

See also


Returns the frame type integer value of this packet.

Returns:the frame type integer value of this packet.
Return type:Integer

See also


Returns whether this packet is broadcast or not.

Returns:True if this packet is broadcast, False otherwise.
Return type:Boolean

Retrieves the operating mode in which this packet was read.

Returns:The operating mode.
Return type:OperatingMode

Returns the raw bytearray of this XBeePacket, ready to be send by the serial port.

Parameters:escaped (Boolean) – indicates if the raw bytearray must be escaped.
Returns:raw bytearray of the XBeePacket.
Return type:Bytearray

Returns a dictionary with all information of the XBeePacket fields.

Returns:dictionary with all info of the XBeePacket fields.
Return type:Dictionary
static unescape_data(data)

Un-escapes the provided bytearray data.

Parameters:data (Bytearray) – the bytearray to unescape.
Returns:data unescaped.
Return type:Bytearray
class digi.xbee.packets.zigbee.RouteRecordIndicatorPacket(x64bit_addr, x16bit_addr, rx_opts, hops=None, op_mode=<OperatingMode.API_MODE: (1, 'API mode')>)[source]

Bases: digi.xbee.packets.base.XBeeAPIPacket

This class represents a Zigbee Route Record Indicator packet. Packet is built using the parameters of the constructor or providing a valid API payload.

The route record indicator is received whenever a device sends a Zigbee route record command. This is used with many-to-one routing to create source routes for devices in a network.

Among received data, some options can also be received indicating transmission parameters.

Class constructor. Instantiates a new RouteRecordIndicatorPacket object with the provided parameters.

  • x64bit_addr (XBee64BitAddress) – The 64-bit source address.
  • x16bit_addr (XBee16BitAddress) – The 16-bit source address.
  • rx_opts (Integer) – Bitfield indicating the receive options.
  • hops (List, optional, default=`None`) – List of 16-bit address of intermediate hops in the source route (excluding source and destination).
  • op_mode (OperatingMode, optional, default=`OperatingMode.API_MODE`) – The mode in which the frame was captured.
static create_packet(raw, operating_mode)[source]

Override method.



  • InvalidPacketException – If the bytearray length is less than 17. (start delim. + length (2 bytes) + frame type + 64bit addr. + 16bit addr. + Receive options + num of addrs + checksum = 17 bytes).
  • InvalidPacketException – If the length field of raw is different from its real length. (length field: bytes 1 and 3)
  • InvalidPacketException – If the first byte of ‘raw’ is not the header byte. See SpecialByte.
  • InvalidPacketException – If the calculated checksum is different from the checksum field value (last byte).
  • InvalidPacketException – If the frame type is not ApiFrameType.ROUTE_RECORD_INDICATOR.
  • InvalidPacketException – If the number of hops does not match with the number of 16-bit addresses.
  • InvalidOperatingModeException – If operating_mode is not supported.

See also


Override method.


Override method.

See also


Returns the 64-bit source address.

Returns:The 64-bit source address.
Return type:XBee64BitAddress

See also


Returns the 16-bit source address.

Returns:The 16-bit source address.
Return type:XBee16BitAddress

See also


Returns the receive options bitfield.

Returns:The receive options bitfield.
Return type:Integer

See also


Returns the number of intermediate hops in the source route (excluding source and destination).

Returns:The number of addresses.
Return type:Integer

Returns the list of intermediate hops starting from the closest to destination hop and finishing with the closest to the source (excluding source and destination).

Returns:The list of 16-bit addresses of intermediate hops.
Return type:List

See also


Returns the frame ID of the packet.

Returns:the frame ID of the packet.
Return type:Integer

Returns the checksum value of this XBeePacket. The checksum is the last 8 bits of the sum of the bytes between the length field and the checksum field.

Returns:checksum value of this XBeePacket.
Return type:Integer

See also


Override method.


Returns the frame type of this packet.

Returns:the frame type of this packet.
Return type:ApiFrameType

See also


Returns the frame type integer value of this packet.

Returns:the frame type integer value of this packet.
Return type:Integer

See also


Retrieves the operating mode in which this packet was read.

Returns:The operating mode.
Return type:OperatingMode

Returns the raw bytearray of this XBeePacket, ready to be send by the serial port.

Parameters:escaped (Boolean) – indicates if the raw bytearray must be escaped.
Returns:raw bytearray of the XBeePacket.
Return type:Bytearray

Returns a dictionary with all information of the XBeePacket fields.

Returns:dictionary with all info of the XBeePacket fields.
Return type:Dictionary
static unescape_data(data)

Un-escapes the provided bytearray data.

Parameters:data (Bytearray) – the bytearray to unescape.
Returns:data unescaped.
Return type:Bytearray
class digi.xbee.packets.zigbee.CreateSourceRoutePacket(frame_id, x64bit_addr, x16bit_addr, route_options=0, hops=None, op_mode=<OperatingMode.API_MODE: (1, 'API mode')>)[source]

Bases: digi.xbee.packets.base.XBeeAPIPacket

This class represents a Zigbee Create Source Route packet. This packet is built using the parameters of the constructor or providing a valid API payload.

This frame creates a source route in the node. A source route specifies the complete route a packet should travese to get from source to destination. Source routing should be used with many-to-one routing for best results.

Note: Both, 64-bit and 16-bit destination addresses are required when creating a source route. These are obtained when a Route Record Indicator (0xA1) frame is received.

Class constructor. Instantiates a new CreateSourceRoutePacket object with the provided parameters.

  • frame_id (integer) – the frame ID of the packet.
  • x64bit_addr (XBee64BitAddress) – The 64-bit destination address.
  • x16bit_addr (XBee16BitAddress) – The 16-bit destination address.
  • route_options (Integer) – Route command options.
  • hops (List, optional, default=`None`) – List of 16-bit addresses of intermediate hops in the source route (excluding source and destination).
  • op_mode (OperatingMode, optional, default=`OperatingMode.API_MODE`) – The mode in which the frame was captured.
static create_packet(raw, operating_mode)[source]

Override method.



  • InvalidPacketException – If the bytearray length is less than 18. (start delim. + length (2 bytes) + frame type + frame id + 64-bit addr. + 16-bit addr. + Route command options + num of addrs + hops 16-bit addrs + checksum = 18 bytes).
  • InvalidPacketException – If the length field of raw is different from its real length. (length field: bytes 1 and 3)
  • InvalidPacketException – If the first byte of ‘raw’ is not the header byte. See SpecialByte.
  • InvalidPacketException – If the calculated checksum is different from the checksum field value (last byte).
  • InvalidPacketException – If the frame type is not ApiFrameType.CREATE_SOURCE_ROUTE.
  • InvalidPacketException – If the number of hops does not match with the number of 16-bit addresses.
  • InvalidOperatingModeException – If operating_mode is not supported.

See also


Override method.


Returns the 64-bit destination address.

Returns:The 64-bit destination address.
Return type:XBee64BitAddress

See also


Returns the 16-bit destination address.

Returns:The 16-bit destination address.
Return type:XBee16BitAddress

See also


Returns the route command options bitfield.

Returns:The route command options bitfield.
Return type:Integer

Returns the number of intermediate hops in the source route (excluding source and destination).

Returns:The number of intermediate hops.
Return type:Integer

Returns the list of intermediate hops starting from the closest to destination hop and finishing with the closest to the source (excluding source and destination).

Returns:The list of 16-bit addresses of intermediate hops.
Return type:List

See also


Returns the frame ID of the packet.

Returns:the frame ID of the packet.
Return type:Integer

Returns the checksum value of this XBeePacket. The checksum is the last 8 bits of the sum of the bytes between the length field and the checksum field.

Returns:checksum value of this XBeePacket.
Return type:Integer

See also


Override method.


Returns the frame type of this packet.

Returns:the frame type of this packet.
Return type:ApiFrameType

See also


Returns the frame type integer value of this packet.

Returns:the frame type integer value of this packet.
Return type:Integer

See also


Returns whether this packet is broadcast or not.

Returns:True if this packet is broadcast, False otherwise.
Return type:Boolean

Retrieves the operating mode in which this packet was read.

Returns:The operating mode.
Return type:OperatingMode

Returns the raw bytearray of this XBeePacket, ready to be send by the serial port.

Parameters:escaped (Boolean) – indicates if the raw bytearray must be escaped.
Returns:raw bytearray of the XBeePacket.
Return type:Bytearray

Returns a dictionary with all information of the XBeePacket fields.

Returns:dictionary with all info of the XBeePacket fields.
Return type:Dictionary
static unescape_data(data)

Un-escapes the provided bytearray data.

Parameters:data (Bytearray) – the bytearray to unescape.
Returns:data unescaped.
Return type:Bytearray
class digi.xbee.packets.zigbee.OTAFirmwareUpdateStatusPacket(src_address_64, updater_address_16, rx_options, msg_type, block_number, target_address_64, op_mode=<OperatingMode.API_MODE: (1, 'API mode')>)[source]

Bases: digi.xbee.packets.base.XBeeAPIPacket

This class represents a an Over The Air Firmware Update Status packet. Packet is built using the parameters of the constructor or providing a valid API payload.

This frame provides a status indication of a firmware update transmission.

If a query request returns a 0x15 (NACK) status, the target is likely waiting for a firmware update image. If no messages are sent to it for about 75 seconds, the target will timeout and accept new query messages.

If a query status returns a 0x51 (QUERY) status, then the target’s bootloader is not active and will not respond to query messages.

Class constructor. Instantiates a new OTAFirmwareUpdateStatusPacket object with the provided parameters.

  • src_address_64 (XBee64BitAddress) – the 64-bit address of the device returning this answer.
  • updater_address_16 (XBee16BitAddress) – the 16-bit address of the updater device.
  • rx_options (Integer) – bitfield indicating the receive options.
  • msg_type (EmberBootloaderMessageType) – Ember bootloader message type
  • block_number (Integer) – block number used in the update request.
  • target_address_64 (XBee64BitAddress) – the 64-bit address of the device that is being updated.
  • op_mode (OperatingMode, optional, default=`OperatingMode.API_MODE`) – The mode in which the frame was captured.

Returns the frame ID of the packet.

Returns:the frame ID of the packet.
Return type:Integer

Returns the checksum value of this XBeePacket. The checksum is the last 8 bits of the sum of the bytes between the length field and the checksum field.

Returns:checksum value of this XBeePacket.
Return type:Integer

See also


Override method.


Returns the frame type of this packet.

Returns:the frame type of this packet.
Return type:ApiFrameType

See also


Returns the frame type integer value of this packet.

Returns:the frame type integer value of this packet.
Return type:Integer

See also


Returns whether this packet is broadcast or not.

Returns:True if this packet is broadcast, False otherwise.
Return type:Boolean

Retrieves the operating mode in which this packet was read.

Returns:The operating mode.
Return type:OperatingMode

Returns the raw bytearray of this XBeePacket, ready to be send by the serial port.

Parameters:escaped (Boolean) – indicates if the raw bytearray must be escaped.
Returns:raw bytearray of the XBeePacket.
Return type:Bytearray

Returns a dictionary with all information of the XBeePacket fields.

Returns:dictionary with all info of the XBeePacket fields.
Return type:Dictionary
static unescape_data(data)

Un-escapes the provided bytearray data.

Parameters:data (Bytearray) – the bytearray to unescape.
Returns:data unescaped.
Return type:Bytearray
static create_packet(raw, operating_mode)[source]

Override method.



  • InvalidPacketException – if the bytearray length is less than 17. (start delim. + length (2 bytes) + frame type + source 64bit addr. (8 bytes) + updater 16bit addr. (2 bytes) + receive options + bootloader message type + block number + source 64bit addr. (8 bytes) + checksum = 27 bytes).
  • InvalidPacketException – if the length field of ‘raw’ is different from its real length. (length field: bytes 1 and 3)
  • InvalidPacketException – if the first byte of ‘raw’ is not the header byte. See SpecialByte.
  • InvalidPacketException – if the calculated checksum is different from the checksum field value (last byte).
  • InvalidPacketException – if the frame type is not ApiFrameType.OTA_FIRMWARE_UPDATE_STATUS.
  • InvalidOperatingModeException – if operating_mode is not supported.

See also


Override method.


Returns the 64-bit source address.

Returns:the 64-bit source address.
Return type:XBee64BitAddress

See also


Returns the 16-bit updater address.

Returns:the 16-bit updater address.
Return type:XBee16BitAddress

See also


Returns the receive options bitfield.

Returns:the receive options bitfield.
Return type:Integer

See also


Returns the bootloader message type.

Returns:the bootloader message type.
Return type:EmberBootloaderMessageType

Returns the block number of the request.

Returns:the block number of the request.
Return type:Integer

Returns the 64-bit target address.

Returns:the 64-bit target address.
Return type:XBee64BitAddress

See also