Log events

Logging is a fundamental part of applications, and every application includes this feature. A well-designed logging system is a useful utility for system administrators, developers, and the support team and can save valuable time in sorting through the cause of issues. As users execute programs on the front end, the system invisibly builds a vault of event information (log entries).

The XBee Python Library uses the Python standard logging module for registering logging events. The logger works at module level; that is, each module has a logger with a unique name.

The modules that have logging integrated are digi.xbee.devices, digi.xbee.reader, digi.xbee.sender, digi.xbee.recovery, digi.xbee.firmware, digi.xbee.profile, and digi.xbee.models.zdo. By default, all loggers are disabled so you will not see any logging message in the console if you do not activate them.

In the XBee Python Library, you need three things to enable the logger:

  1. The logger itself.

  2. A handler to determine if log messages will be displayed in the console, written to a file, sent through a socket, etc.

  3. A formatter to define the message format. For example, a format could be:

    • Timestamp with the current date - logger name - level (debug, info, warning…) - data.

To retrieve the logger, use the get_logger() method of the logging module, providing the name of the logger that you want to get as parameter. In the XBee Python Library all loggers have the name of the module they belong to. For example, the name of the logger of the digi.xbee.devices module is digi.xbee.devices. You can get a module name with the special attribute \_\_name\_\_.

Retrieve a module name and its logger

import logging


# Get the logger of the devices module.
dev_logger = logging.getLogger(digi.xbee.devices.__name__)

# Get the logger of the devices module providing the name.
dev_logger = logging.getLogger("digi.xbee.devices")


To retrieve a handler, you can use the default Python handler or create your own. Depending on which type of handler you use, the messages created by the logger is printed in the console, to a file, etc. You can have more than one handler per logger, this means that you can enable the default XBee Python Library handler and add your own handlers.

Retrieve a handler and add it to a logger

import logging


# Get the logger of the devices module.
dev_logger = logging.getLogger(digi.xbee.devices.__name__)

# Get a handler and add it to the logger.
handler = logging.StreamHandler()


The previous code snippet shows how to add a handler to a logger, but it is recommended to add a formatter to a handler, and then add the handler to the logger.

When you create a formatter, you must specify the information to print and its format. This guide shows you how to create a formatter with a simple format. To create more complex formatters or handlers, see the Python documentation.

Create a formatter and add it to a handler

import logging


# Get a handler.
handler = (...)

# Instantiate a formatter so the log entries are represented as defined here.
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - '

# Configure the formatter in the handler.


Enable a logger for the devices module

import logging


# Get the logger of the devices module providing the name.
dev_logger = logging.getLogger("digi.xbee.devices")

# Get a handler and configure a formatter for it.
handler = logging.StreamHandler()
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - '

# Add the handler to the logger.


Logging level

The XBee Python Library also provides a method in the digi.xbee.util.utils module, enable_logger(), to enable the logger with the default settings. These settings are:

  • Handler: StreamHandler
  • Format: timestamp - logger name - level - message
Method Description
enable_logger(name, level=logging.DEBUG)

Enables the logger.

  • name: the name of the module whose logger you want to activate.
  • level: default DEBUG. The level you want to see.

Enable a logger

import logging

from digi.xbee.util.utils import enable_logger


# Enable the logger in the digi.xbee.devices module with INFO level.
dev_logger = enable_logger(digi.xbee.devices.__name__, logging.INFO)

# This is a valid method to do the same.
dev_logger = enable_logger("digi.xbee.devices", logging.INFO)


# Enable the logger in the digi.xbee.devices module with the default level
# (DEBUG).
dev_logger = enable_logger("digi.xbee.devices")

# This is a valid method to do the same.
dev_logger = enable_logger("digi.xbee.devices", logging.DEBUG)



For further information about the Python logging module, see the Python logging module official documentation or the Python logging cookbook.